France: the guardian of Emmanuel Macron arrested during a beating against a protester – 20/07/2018


Alexandre Benalla, the head of the bodyguards of French President Emmanuel Macron, was temporarily detained for forty-eight hours by a court to be questioned about the case that scandalized France. Violence, usurpation of badges and a French police helmet used against a protester on the ground, in a proceeding in the demonstrations of May 1, where with permission of the presidential palace accompanied the police as an observer. Reserve Constable Vincent Crase who was with him, accompanied him during this interim detention.

Only on Friday, 36 hours after the incidents were known, the Eliseo Palace triggered a Benalla authorization procedure. "Before new facts"

A second video appeared which shows it in fullness, attacking a young woman, during the same demonstration of May 1 in Paris, usurping again badges and a helmet of the French police.

The place is the same place of Contrescarpe, where the first video was filmed, where she is seen hitting the neck and kicking a fallen protester. The second video has a woman as protagonist in the same militant rally that the police repressed. A longer version of the video shows the woman on the ground screaming, "Let me go" trying to escape to help other victims. In the end, both victims manage to get together. It is doubled in two, she cries. "They are sick," he says.

The scandal revealed that the bodyguard was living in a department of the presidency in the official dependencies of Quai Branly , exactly the same place where the former president François Mitterrand hid his lover Anne Pingeot and his daughter Mazarine throughout his mandate and his clandestine love.

The bodyguard too he had an official car and driver . Previously and during the electoral campaign in which he accompanied Macron, he lived in an apartment in Issy les Moulieaux, in the suburbs of Paris

Benalla was accused of "violence in a meeting by a public servant. usurpation of functions, illegal wearing of badges reserved for the public authority and complicity in image manipulation of a video protection system ". They have 48 hours to decide if they have to appear before a judge and they treat him.

Police have suspended three police officers as a precautionary measure because they gave Benalla a surveillance video of the same place. It was broadcast the night the newspaper Le Monde published the first video that implied

Disciplinary punishment to the police will be linked to the fate of Benalla, who is questioned at this time.

Despite the denunciation, videos, President Emmanuel Macron did not react but minimally without making a direct reference to the case. "The republic is unalterable", is all that the head of state said amid a great scandal, the first large scale for Eliseo.

The Senate and the National Assembly decided to react. The Senate will interview Interior Minister Gerard Collomb on Tuesday and there will be an investigative commission. In the National Assembly, the presence of the Minister of the Interior is required in the enclosure.

Members begin to speak. The opposition accused the Interior Minister of "lying" and asked him to go explain the case to the site. The problem for the minister, is that he was aware of the violence that had occurred and that he had not denounced them. Republican leader Christian Jacob denounced that commissioners, linked to the Eliseo, transmitted compromising video surveillance footage to the accused.

"It is a scandal of the state and a series of lies" denounced.

Luke Canovas believes that "at least there is a lie by omission".

On March House leader Richard Ferrand accuses lawmakers of "cynically sabotaging the work (of reform) of the National Assembly". In the ranks of the police grows the fury with the usurpation of powers and the status of an official of Elisha, who had been invited with the observer status to his actions of " control of the event ". [19659089] Paris, Correspondent

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