France threatens to break EU-Mercosur agreement after accusing Bolsonaro of being a liar about fires – Telam


The global fire scandal in the Brazilian Amazon jungle threatens to break the trade agreement between Mercosur and the European Union, after French President Emmanuel Macron has accused his Brazilian colleague, Jair Bolsonaro , to have lied to environmental commitments

The diplomatic storm has fallen on President Bolsonaro, while the Amazon rainforest is burning record, landowners allied with the government being the main suspects of initiating intentional fires in the northern region of Brazil.

Brazil's Bolsonaro commitment will be put to the test at the G7 summit that will start tomorrow in Biarritz at the initiative of Macron and with the support of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

In an unprecedented statement in recent years, Eliseo Palace, the French presidential house, accused Bolsonaro of "lying" to Macron at the G20 summit in Osaka about his environmental commitments, in order to convince him of sign the agreement. EU-Mercosur.

"In these circumstances, France is opposed to the agreement with Mercosur," said the statement, supported by Irish Prime Minister Leo Varakdar.

In the Brazilian government, tranquility has prevailed and the attempt to open channels to reduce the impact. "It takes years to build an image abroad," said the former Minister of the Environment and former Foreign Minister Rubens Ricúpero.

The animosity of Bolsonaro against environmental entities, which he accused of having caused the fire, has generated a wave of global repudiation with protests in front of the embbadies of Brazil but also at the Inside, with calls in 40 cities from Friday to Sunday.

Bolsonaro had rejected the contribution of Norway and Germany to the Amazon fund created by the government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and sent them to replant trees, but this Friday, with the agenda of devastation At the G7 summit, Brazil is seeking to resume the initiative.

On Soldier's Day, in front of troops and military leaders, the far-right president declared that Brazil "had enemies" and that an "information war" was going on, supporting the theory of the military dictatorship that environmentalism had links with foreign forces seeking to control Amazonian natural resources.

The weather at Plbadto Palace worsened when Boris Johnson, the British prime minister, aligned with Donald Trump, joined the convictions choir.

The White House, through a spokesperson, also expressed concern over the more than 73,000 homes identified since January in the Amazon rainforest.

The state of Acre, bordering Bolivia and the bolonarist governor, declared the emergency because of the pressure exerted by the population when the indigenous reserves were burned.

The fear of a commercial boycott became palpable to the government when the warning to stop buying Brazilian meat was launched by Finland, responsible for the EU presidency.


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