France will apply different vaccines in the second do …


People under 55 vaccinated in France against Covid-19 with a first dose of AstraZeneca will receive their second dose with another vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna, as announced by the Haute Autorité de Santé, despite the fact that the Organization World Health Organization (WHO) warned that “this is not something that can be recommended at the moment”.

France suspended the application of the AstraZeneca vaccine for those under 55 on March 19 after the appearance of certain cases of thrombophilia, a decision questioned both by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and by the WHO, who recommended continuing to apply. he could not find any indication linking the application of the vaccine to the appearance of clots.

Germany, Italy and the Netherlands have also decided to suspend the request.

The suspension of the second dose of Astrazeneca left 533,000 people without a full vaccination, mostly healthcare workers. Today, France is questioning the WHO recommendations by planning that it will use the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines to complete the inoculation.

The United Nations health agency explained that there was not, as yet, enough data on the effects that the change in vaccine may cause in the second dose, so it concluded that the injection different vaccines “is not something that can be recommended just yet”.

Margaret Harris, WHO spokesperson, recalled the position taken by the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) in light of reports indicating a possible link between AstraZeneca and certain side effects. “There is no reason not to use it”, repeated the specialist a month ago.


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