Francis calls for global prayer against COVID-19


The Covid-19 pandemic is not giving a respite with the advancement of new strains and the shortage of vaccines that have the world at its wit’s end. In this sense, Pope Francis began this Saturday in St. Peter’s Basilica a global prayer chain against COVID-19 in order to put an end to the “dramatic situation, full of suffering and anguish” of the pandemic, to which are also added thirty sanctuaries spread over the five continents.

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The intention of this global prayer chain is call for the end of COVID-19 before May 31, praying before an image of Our Lady in the Vatican Gardens. “In this dramatic situation, full of suffering and anguish which grips the whole world, we come to you, Mother of God and our mother, seeking refuge under your protection”, asked Pope Francis in the act held in the Saint Peter’s basilica. was attended by around 160 faithful, many families and children, who prayed in an atmosphere of silence.

Pope Francis greets the faithful at the Vatican

Also, he implored me to comfort “To those who mourn their loved ones, sometimes buried in a way that hurts the soul” and hold “To the sick and to those who cannot be with them to avoid contagion”He also recalled the dead “sometimes buried in a way that hurts the soul” while asked for the protection of doctors, nurses and volunteers in their “heroic effort”, e he implored “to enlighten the minds of scientists so that they find just solutions to overcome this virus”.

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The great pontiff reminded women who have suffered gender violence or “within the walls of the house” e urged political leaders to act “with wisdom and generosity” towards the most disadvantaged. Once again, he demanded that “the enormous sums of money allocated to weapons be allocated to studies to prevent similar catastrophes” in the future.

When and where will the global prayer chain take place

The chain of faith and devotion symbolized by the crown of the Holy Rosary will be prayed daily at 6:00 p.m. Rome time in 30 shrines on 5 continents, starting with the temple immersed in the green of Norfolk, England, where in 1061 the Virgin appeared to the nobleman Richeldis de Faverches, in the town of Walsingham.

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The Spanish Sanctuary of Montserrat will, among other things, be added to the worldwide prayer chain of the Holy Rosary. At doctors and nurses, workers and employers, and so on up to conclude on May 31 in the Vatican Gardens by praying “for the end of the pandemic and the resumption of social and professional life”.

The prayer marathon, during which the pontiff blessed thirty rosaries to be sent to each of the participating shrines as a sign of unity, was organized by the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization.

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