Francis urged Christians to put aside superstition | Chronic


A hard message launched Sunday by Pope Francis against those who mix the Christian life with "Worldliness" and "superstition".

"How many who call themselves Christians are going to read their hands, it's superstition, not God."he said.

The Pontiff launched these criticisms during the Sunday prayer Angelus, in which he urged not to live in any way "hypocritical" and "pay the price to be consistent".

"It's good to say Christians, but first and foremost we must practice Christianity, which is none other than the testimony of the Gospel, the love of God and his neighbor"he stressed.

For the pope the gospel, which "It has spread like a beneficial fire overcoming all divisions between individuals, peoples and social clbades"it only manifests itself when "Change the world of change of the heart of everyone".

Therefore, he said that every Christian must give up any form "laziness, apathy, indifference and closure to welcome the fire of God's love ".


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