Francisco about a possible visit to Argentina: we'll see if I can go there soon


The pope did not exclude it, although the political climate in the country is not the best.

Six years after his appointment, Pope Francisco said Saturday that he was planning to visit Argentina "soon," even though it is unlikely to happen in the middle of the election year.

During his stay in Morocco, the Holy Father continued his usual interviews with journalists and was questioned about this possibility. "We'll see if I can go soon," he replied quickly. On other occasions, he had already expressed himself in the same way when talking about his planned trip.

However, this time, the response has taken on particular importance, as the bishops of the Argentine Episcopal Conference (CEA) had planned a few weeks ago that they will meet with the Pope between The Vatican will propose "not to deprive of joy "to visit Argentina for the first time of his pontificate.

To integrate

"We imagine the joy that Francisco had when he decided on the canonization of the holy Cura Brochero, the beatification of Mama Antula and that of the martyrs of Riojano.When we meet him again, we will propose once again that He did not deprive himself of the joy of visiting us, "they expressed the purpurados, in a kind of invitation to Argentina.

The visit reported in Argentina since the beginning of his papacy has been the reason for various speculations related to the political climate in recent years.

Since March 13, 2013, when white smoke followed its formalization as Benedict XVI's successor, Jorge Bergoglio did not return to his original country, even though he was very close geographically several times.

The Sovereign Pontiff visited Brazil as part of World Youth Day in July 2013; Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador and Cuba in 2015; Mexico in February 2016; and Chile in January 2018.


The 25 lives saved by Francisco under the dictatorship


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