Francisco again condemned the abortion and criticized the fact that it was presented as a right


"Life is reduced to good for consumption, to be used and thrown away, for ourselves and for others." Because this vision is dramatic, it is unfortunately widespread and rooted, even presented as a human right, and how much it causes suffering. the weakest of our brothers! "he said.

"If life is violated in its emergence, what remains will no longer be the welcome and the amazed reception of the gift, but a cold calculation of what we have and what we can dispose of"Francisco said during a hearing with the Movement for Life on the eve of the National Day of Life, celebrated this Sunday in Italy.

"Voluntarily stopping life in its fulfillment is, in any case, a betrayal of our vocation, as well as the pact between generations.The pact allows us to look forward with hope," he said.

"In your cultural action," said Francisco, "you have frankly stated that those who are conceived are the children of society as a whole.Its death in large numbers, with the approval of States, is a serious problem that undermines construction of justice., compromising the correct solution of any other human and social problem, "he added.

Francisco said that "In view of the Day of Life, I take this opportunity to appeal to all politicians that, whatever their religious beliefs, put as a first stone of the common good the defense of the lives of those who are on the not born and born, make their income to society, to which they come to bring news, future and hope ".

"Do not be conditioned by the logic that points to personal success or only by immediate or partisan interests, but always look away, and with all your heart, see everyone," he concluded.


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