Francisco among the children of pediatric oncology in Gemelli


In the afternoon, the Pope made a point of greeting the little patients admitted to the room located in front of his hospitalization area, at the end of a solidarity concert.

Alessandro De Carolis – Vatican City

Caresses, numerous, and the answer in a few shy smiles, in the small hand on the face to hide a hint of shame, in the silent greeting to a mother behind the glass of a closed door. This is how Pope Francis spent part of the afternoon today, according to the Vatican Press Office. On the 10th floor of the Gemelli, the same where his hospital stay is located, is in wing D, the pediatric oncology department. A short walk to enter a world of pain in which the joy of colors, painted walls and toys barely soften the surface of the knot that tightens the wombs of the mothers and fathers who inhabit this floor, of the hearts they expect while the bodies of their children fight.

The concert “L’eco der core”

What attracted Francisco was the music that came from the pavilion located in front of the area where he is hospitalized. Ambrogio Sparagna and the Italian folk orchestra, who are on tour with “L’eco der core”, a 15 concert project organized by the Musica per Roma Foundation in collaboration with Caritas capitolina.

Today’s concert was scheduled for 4.30 p.m. at Gemelli Hospital, not far from the Holy Father’s Hall. At the end of the concert, the Pope appeared in the hall to greet the children and parents who have shown him their affection in recent days.

The Pope's greeting to a mother and her son admitted to Gemelli hospital

The Pope’s greeting to a mother and her son admitted to Gemelli hospital

The unanswered mystery

The Pope wanted to immerse himself in a reality which has always touched his heart in a deep and hard way, that of the disease which makes suffer those who are not old enough to suffer. He remembered it two days ago when Angelus was leaning on the balcony of the hospital with some of his little companions by his side. But years ago also, it was May 29, 2015, the chapel of the Casa de Santa Marta had welcomed for the second time (the first on May 31, 2013) a group of children suffering from serious illnesses, some of them , unfortunately, during this second meeting, they were gone.

Francisco in the Gemelli pediatric oncology room

Francisco in the Gemelli pediatric oncology room

“Don’t be afraid to ask”

On this occasion too, the question had resounded on Francisco’s lips: “Lord, why do children suffer?” The unanswered question of the mystery, like the mystery of the Trinity and of the Eucharist, has no answer. But if the question escapes an understandable answer, you can always ask heaven and pray, assured the Pope: “Do not be afraid to ask, even to challenge the Lord. Why ? Perhaps no explanation will come, but your gaze The Father will give you the strength to move forward … The only explanation you can give will be: “My Son also suffered.” But that is the explanation. . The most important is the look. Dad. But you who are Bishop – you can ask the question – you who have studied theology so much, have you nothing more to tell us? “No … We can only enter into the mystery if the Father looks at us with love.

One of Gemelli's little pediatric oncology patients receives greetings from the Pope

One of Gemelli’s little pediatric oncology patients receives greetings from the Pope


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