Francisco and zero tolerance against abuse in the Church | Chronic


By Alicia Barrios

The day has arrived: 21 F. The opening of the summit of the anti-podiatries chaired by Bergoglio. He knows that I know and I know that he knows that he is a being who is not betrayed by worry or nerves. They will never exceed the expectations of others. Francisco obey God, not pressure. I speak to hear the other, those who remained children, asking for justice for priestly abuse. It is the papacy of the apostolate to listen. Father Jorge pbades him with one ear in the city and on the other in the gospel.

The synodal clbadroom is open only for special events. It was filled with 190 participants including 114 bishops presiding over episcopal conferences around the world. Without shaking his voice and with a serious look, he began by saying that in the face of badual abuse, he had decided to question them all. It is not advisable to be in the place of Bergoglio's serious look. This is a moment that is not to be envied.

It has become clear: we should not apologize, nor flee on tangent, alleging that abuses also occur in other areas. This myth of the church, without spots or wrinkles, has certainly been buried in the past. This means that the true history of the church is not written solely by them, but by the testimonies of saints, saints and all who are part of the people of God. The truth is that the image of the prestige of the church is damaged. It's time to repair. That's why we are talking about zero tolerance. Bergoglio is the only one to have crossed this stage in the history of the Vatican. He did not lack the courage to go ahead.

The summit has the presence of 190 participants.

Glory, joy and pain. It's a painful step, to be ashamed, to ask for forgiveness. Measures to combat this bacterial plague of pedophilia have begun to be taken. Thus, Francisco gave the participants 21 possible measures, among which we propose a "Psychological badessment by qualified experts" to aspirants to the priesthood, up to the "Specific Protocol for the Treatment of Charges Against Bishops".

This has not escaped a crucial point: to realize that the transfer of priests accused of abuse was for years a common practice to conceal their crimes. It has become clearer that water, more than clear water, accompanies, protects and cares for the victims by offering them all the support necessary for their complete recovery. A sentence of the Archbishop of Malta, Charles Scicluna, rebounded in each of those present: "We will give our lives to the victims of pedophilia in the clergy." He has promised and is a man of his word. Its purpose is to engage, to demonstrate that the community of faith entrusted to the guardianship of bishops must know that they do things seriously.

Inauguration of the summit of the antipederasties in the Vatican.

Monsignor Scicluna is the Vatican Attorney for Abuse. Take back trust, inspire it is one of your goals. Aspira with the best intention of being recognized as the champion of child and youth safety. The Archbishop of Malta is one of the authorities that hears the most victims. For that "At every meeting, I discovered that it was a sacred place, like Jesus on the cross." It's time to give an account.


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