Francisco asked to denounce and fight "the scourge" of human trafficking | Chronic


Pope Francisco He called on governments around the world to fight "with determination" the causes of human trafficking, which he called "plague" to be denounced.

After reciting on Sunday the Angelus in St. Peter's Square, Francis spoke of the slogan of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, "Together against traffic" and he badured that it consists of "An invitation to join forces to take up this challenge".

"I thank all those who are fighting this scourge, especially many women religious, and especially call on governments to deal with the causes of this scourge with determination and to protect the victims", said the pope from the window of the apostolic palace.

He explained that "In any case, everyone can help denounce the trafficking and slavery of men, women and children" and recommended "the strength" of prayer.

Francis sent a prayer to the Saint of Sudan to the faithful Josefina Bakhita (1869-1947), abducted when she was a child, abused and sold as a slave several times and eventually became a nanny in a family in Italy, where she eventually became a nun.

"May God release all those who have been threatened, injured, abused by trafficking and human trafficking"recited with the faithful a prayer to the saint.

The pope also asked "do not fall into indifference so that we can open our eyes and see the miseries and wounds of so many brothers and sisters deprived of their dignity and freedom, while listening to their call for help ".


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