Francisco called for a just and peaceful solution for Venezuela


January 27, 2019
– 16:01

The pontiff did not recognize Guaidó nor explicitly support Nicolás Maduro

Pope Francis asked that a "just and peaceful solution" be sought to put an end to the institutional crisis in which Venezuela finds itself.

"I have thought a lot about the Venezuelan people with whom I feel particularly united these days and in view of the critical situation in which the country is located, I ask the Lord to seek and reach a just solution and peaceful to overcome the crisis while respecting the Human Rights and Desiring the good of all the inhabitants of the country, "said the Pontiff after the prayer of the Angelus.


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For the moment, the Vatican has not recognized Guaidó nor offered explicit support to the Nicolás Maduro government.

The Vatican only briefly stated that the pope "followed developments closely" and prayed for the victims and for all Venezuelans.

In addition, he stressed that the Holy See supported "all efforts to save the suffering of the people".


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