Francisco criticized the Italian immigration policy: "They are human beings" | Chronic


In the midst of tension between migrant rescue NGOs in the Mediterranean and the Italian government, the pope Francisco He celebrated a Monday Mbad in which he called to help the immigrants that he called "symbols of all the rejected of the globalized society".

Francisco also pointed out that migrants "They are above all human beings."

The controversy over the Italian politics of "closed ports" added a new chapter with the intervention of the highest authority of the Catholic Church, which provided explicit support to members of non-governmental organizations dedicated to saving the lives of wrecked migrants or getting themselves moving precariously in the Mediterranean.

"Jesus reveals to his disciples the need for a preferential option for these, which must be placed first in the exercise of charity", said the Pontiff Monday during a mbad on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of his trip to the Italian island of Lampedusa.

"It's not just about migrants", in the double sense that migrants are above all human beings and that today they are the symbol of all those who have been removed from the globalized society.

– Pope Francisco (@Pontifex_es)
July 8, 2019

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Shortly after being named pope, Francisco decided that his first trip from Rome would be on this Mediterranean island and one of the main European ports to which ships and other boats of migrants coming from d & # 39; Africa. refugee problem.

"On this sixth anniversary of my visit to Lampedusa, I think of the last ones who shout every day to the Lord, asking to be released from the evils that plague them", affirmed in this sense during the celebration in the basilica of San Pedro, in front of immigrants and rescuers.

On this sixth anniversary of my visit to Lampedusa, I think of the "last ones" who cry to the Lord every day and ask to be released from the evils that plague them.

– Pope Francisco (@Pontifex_es)
July 8, 2019

The pope's Mbad took place after a week of tensions between the Italian government and several NGOs, by decision of the Deputy Prime Minister, Matteo Salvini, who, as Minister of the Interior, has decided to ban the landing of migrants in their ports, unless they are relocated to other countries of the world. 39 European Union (EU).

The Italian Deputy Prime Minister, an active user of Twitter, barely mentioned Monday the Mbad officiated by Francisco and rather criticized the cover of the newspaper Repubblica, which raises in its print edition the dilemma faced by Catholics. "Salvini or the pope".

Salvini, leader of the Northern Right League, accuses NGOs of promoting the activity of human traffickers in high seas rescues.

The release of Salvini against an Italian magazine.

The Italian government, which includes the five-star movement, claims the rest of the European countries "solidarity" distribute people who arrive by sea

Follow the policy of "closed ports"As a result of conflict within the EU, in recent days NGO boats have had serious problems landing the shipwrecked in Italian ports.

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The most important case is that of Carola Rackete, captain of the rescue boat migrating from the NGO Sea Watch 3, who was arrested on charges of "violence against a warship" for the maneuvers he made at his entrance to the port of Lampedusa with 42 illegal immigrants on board.

However, the pbadages with the Italian executive continue.

On Monday, the police in Lampedusa confiscated the sailboat "Alex" of the Mediterranean NGO, which had landed Saturday 41 seamen seamen without authorization from the government.

The confiscation, after the fine of 16,000 euros applied Saturday, was communicated to the captain on Monday Tommaso Stella, which is also studied by "Favor of illegal immigration" and it will have to declare itself in the next hours, announced the Italian newspaper.

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Those who emigrate to Europe are "The last seduced and abandoned in the desert, the last tortured, abused and raped in the detention camps, the last who defy the waves of a merciless sea, are the last left in camps where the" home is too long to be called temporary "said Francisco.

The pope thanked the rescuers "Beautiful sign of humanity, gratitude and solidarity".


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