Francisco demanded a reduction from the IMF and the World Bank …


In a letter addressed to the World Bank Group (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) whose meetings are being held these days, Pope Francis demanded that, as part of the “spirit of global solidarity” , it is urgently generated. governance plan ”which includes, among other themes,“ effective participation in decision-making and the facilitation of access to the international market ”of the poorest and least developed countries, “A significant reduction in the debt burden of poor countries” and the recognition of the “ecological debt” that exists between the North and the South.

In the document, dated in the Vatican on April 4 and distributed on April 8 by the press office of the Holy See, it also calls for “solidarity in the matter of vaccines” given – says the Pope – that “we cannot allowing the law of the market to prevail over the law of love and health for all. ”In one of the document’s most forceful statements, Francisco argues that we must “face the destructive effects of the Money Empire” because “solidarity, understood in its deepest sense, is a way of making history” and recalls what has already been said on other occasions on the fact that “That’s what popular movements do.”

Starting from the assertion that the goal of development is “the universal common good”, Francisco argues that “this public money can never be disconnected from the public good, and that financial markets must be supported by laws and regulations designed to ensure that the common good “which also demands”fight against the structural causes of poverty, inequalities, lack of work, land and housing, denial of social and labor rights “.

The text, with only three pages, synthesizes the position that Jorge Bergoglio has maintained in his master documents, in particular in his encyclical All the brothers. The document was handed over by Francis to Cardinal Peter Turkson, Prefect (highest authority) of the Dicastery (ministry) of the Holy See for the Promotion of Integral Human Development so that, in turn, the Bishop could send it to the authorities. of the WB and the IMF.

In his note, Francisco begins by noting that< au cours de l'année écoulée, à la suite de la pandémie de covid-19, notre monde a été contraint de faire face à une série de crises socio-économiques, écologiques et politiques graves et interdépendantes >> and expressing its desire that the meetings of international economic organizations contribute through their discussions to “a model of”Recovery‘ able to generate new, more inclusive and sustainable solutions supporting the real economy, helping individuals and communities to realize their deepest aspirations and the universal common good ”. And the Pope warns that the notion of “recovery” – highlighted in the original of the note – “It cannot be satisfied with a return to an unequal and unsustainable model of economic and social life, in which a tiny minority of the world’s population owns half of the wealth”. And in direct allusion to who his interlocutors are in this case, he asserts that “despite our deep convictions that all men and women were created equal, many of our brothers and sisters in the human family, in particular those who are on the margins of society are effectively excluded from the financial world“And reiterated that the pandemic” reminded us once again that no one is saved alone “.

Faced with the situation, the Pope calls for “new and creative forms of social, political and economic participation” which demonstrate a sensitivity to “the voice of the poor”, and calls for “world governance” which “helps to build a new network. of international relations to advance the integral human development of all peoples ”. For Bergoglio, the above translates to “give the poorest and least developed countries effective participation in decision-making and facilitate access to the international market“And in direct allusion to the problem which affects a large part of the poor countries, François maintains that” a spirit of global solidarity also requires, at a minimum, a significant reduction in the debt burden of the poorest nations, which has been found to be aggravated by the pandemic ”. Because, he adds, “reducing the debt burden of so many countries and communities today is a deeply human gesture that can help people develop, gain access to vaccines, health, education and employment ”.

Returning to the meaning of his statements in the encyclical rented The Pope asks not to stop paying attention to what he designates as the “ecological debt“Which, he argues,” exists above all between the north and the south.

Elsewhere and after asserting that financial markets operate with “social objectives”, Francisco argues that in the current pandemic situation, “we particularly need a solidarity on vaccines properly funded, because we cannot let the law of the market prevail over the law of love and health for all ”and calls on governments, businesses and international organizations“ to collaborate in the provision of vaccines for all, especially for the most vulnerable and needy ”as he himself asked on several occasions.

The Pope ends his letter by asking the representatives of the World Bank and the IMF to work for “a more inclusive and sustainable future” which he defines as “a future where finances are at the service of the common good, in which the vulnerable and the marginalized are placed in the center, and in which the land, our common home, is well maintained ”.

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