Francisco described as “hypocrite” | For the forbidden …


The National Catholic Reportr (NCR), a publication of United States which reflects the position of the most progressive Catholic sectors in this country, criticized harshly in his editorial, stressing that “the Vatican decree on same-sex unions risks making Francis a hypocrite”

The text begins by noting that “there are many words and phrases of praise that we could use to describe Pope Francis that the world has come to know over the past eight years. Authentic. Pastoral. Open mind. Concerned about the poor, about humanity, about the environment. Friend of the marginalized ”. However, it is noted, “The Pope’s decision to approve the March 15 decree of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which orders Catholic priests not to offer blessings to same-sex couples is reminiscent of a much more bitter word. Hypocritical”.

A few days ago the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the highest body of the Vatican on doctrinal questions, answered negatively to a question which was made on certain initiatives which “They offer paths for growth in faith, so that those who exhibit a homosexual tendency can count on the help necessary to fully understand and carry out the will of God in their lives.”

The determination, which had the approval of the Pope, recognizes that same-sex unions may have “positive elements”, but that “they are not ordered in the plan of the Creator” and, therefore, the Church. “He does not bless and cannot bless sin.”

In its editorial, NCR wonders if Francis, who supported the decision, is “the same man who, when asked in 2013 about a gay priest in the Vatican’s service, replied: ‘If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?’ “.

NCR continues to question Francis when he doubts he is the same man “who has met LGBT couples throughout his papacy, including during his visit to the United States in 2015” and “The same one who told Chilean abuse survivor Juan Carlos Cruz in 2018 that ‘it doesn’t matter that you are gay’ and ‘God made you that way and loves you the way you are’?” To conclude with the question of whether it is the same Pope “who personally intervened for an Italian gay couple to ensure that their three children could be brought up as Catholics”.

The columnist acknowledges that the aforementioned attitudes of Jorge Bergoglio have not changed the doctrine of the Catholic Church because for this it is necessary a review of the doctrine of sexuality that began at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) but which remains unfinished and also a reconsideration of the role that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith must play in these fields.

Despite this, NCR continues to state in its editorial: “We get to the point of absurdity, and hypocrisy, when a pope says he wants to welcome LGBT people to church, but then he just can’t tolerate them for wanting to have romantic relationships, just like the rest of humanity.

Elsewhere in the text it is noted that “surely as the world emerges from the greatest health and economic crisis in a century, there are more pressing issues on which the Vatican must focus rather than consider how God sees it. or does not see same-sex unions. “. Yet, continues the NCR, “for LGBT Catholic couples and their families, the timing is particularly unfortunate.” Because the Pope who intends “to build bridges and not walls” with his determination henceforth himself “has erected another barrier”.

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