Francisco gave journalism courses: "Working according to the truth" | Chronic


At the Vatican, Pope Francis met members of the foreign press in Italy. He expressed their esteem for the work they do: "Even when they have put their finger on the wound, and perhaps the wound is in the ecclesial community, his work is precious because it contributes to the search for the truth and only the truth makes us free".

And he added: "In the Church, you will always find a fair regard for your work and the recognition of freedom of the press".

Then all the points that the pontiff has addressed, according to the website

The audience, more than just spectators

The Pope, recalling the words of his predecessor, Benedict XVI, said: "Sometimes, the media tends to make us feel like" spectators ", as if the evil affected only the others and that certain things do not could never happen to us. " we are all "actors" and, for better or for worse, our behavior influences others. "He added," This is why I urge you to work according to truth and justice, so that communication is truly an instrument for building, not for destroying; find us, do not collide; to dialogue, not to monologize; guide, do not disorient; to understand, not to understand; to walk in peace, not to sow hatred; give voice to those who do not have it; give voice, do not be a megaphone to those who shout louder. "

Humility and journalism

The Pope recalled that humility was considered a virtue of spiritual life, but could be a fundamental part of the journalistic profession. Some may even think more of other virtues, according to the Pope, such as "professionalism, competence, historical memory, curiosity, ability to write, ability to investigate and ask the right questions, speed of synthesis, ability to make the public understandable general what happens …. "

However, he added: "Modest journalists are not mediocre, but well aware that through an article, a tweet, a television or a live radio can do good, but also, if you're not careful scrupulous, the harm is done to others and sometimes to entire communities "…" The humility of not knowing everything first is the engine of research.The presumption that he already knows everything is what the block. "

False information Check the source

Francisco fixed his gaze on a current topic: "The false information can be extended to the point of appearing authentic.For this reason, journalists should always consider the power of the tool at their disposal and resist the temptation to publish information that has not been sufficiently verified. "

"Humility brings us closer to reality and others with a comprehensive attitude," he added. Later on, the pope enumerated certain attitudes that the journalist should cultivate: not to feed the slogans "which, instead of launching the thought, cancel it", do not create stereotypes, are not satisfied with comfortable representations representing "individuals as well as they were able to solve all problems, or on the contrary as scapegoats, on whom to discharge all responsibility".

In a time of hostile words, calibrate the language

The Pope calls attention to not be seduced by social networks. "In an era of overly hostile words, in which to say negative things about others has become a habit for many, while clbadifying people, we must always remember that every person has his or her intangible dignity, that It can take away. a time when many people spread false news, humility prevents you from selling the damaged food of misinformation and invites you to offer the good bread of truth. "

Freedom requires courage

The pope summed up the virtues of the humble journalist: The humble journalist is a free journalist. Free of conditioning. Without prejudice, so brave. Freedom requires courage!

In this context, the Pope recalled the many journalists murdered for having exercised their activities in the world and added: "Freedom of the press and expression is an important indicator of the state of health of the world. 39, a country, we need free journalism, serving the true, the good, the just, journalism that helps to build the culture of the meeting.We need journalists who are on the side of the victims on the side of the persecuted, on the side of the excluded, the excluded, the discriminated. "

"Thanks, because they help us to remember"

The Pope emphasized the important role of journalism as a memory. That's why he says: "They help us to not forget the lives that have just been born, which are extinguishing under the effect of hunger, hardship, lack of attention. , wars, the lives of child soldiers, the lives of children who have been raped Help us to remember so many women and men persecuted for their religion or ethnicity, victims of discrimination, victims of violence and Human Trafficking Help us to remember that those who are forced – by disasters, wars, terrorism, hunger and thirst – to leave their land are not numbers, but a face, a story, a desire for happiness. "

Say good, give hope

For the pope, "the humble and free journalist tries to say good, even if most often it is the evil that makes the news". He added: "Please, keep telling this part of the reality that thanks to God is always the most widespread: the reality of those who do not give in to the indifference, of those who do not flee before injustice, but build with patience and silence.There is an ocean of good that deserves to be known and that gives strength to our hope.Women are very attentive in this story of life and I am pleased to see that in their badociation the contribution of women is fully recognized. "

Francisco concluded his speech by saying, "I appreciate the commitment with which they do their work, which, lived in a spirit of service, becomes a mission." During my apostolic travels, I can see the In addition, they live far from their home country and meet the country in which they work, knowing how to grasp their positive and negative aspects.I invite you to be a mirror that can reflect hope. want them to be humble and free women and men, who leave a good trace in history. "


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