Francisco: "I'd like to visit Argentina next year"


More than six years after becoming head of the Catholic Church, Francisco expressed his desire to travel to Argentina, after rejecting this possibility again and again. "I would like to visit Argentina next year", said the pope, at a date when there will be a new president or define the continuity of Macri in Casa Rosada. The presidential resolution will, on the one hand, reduce political tensions and, on the other hand, prevent the pope from being splashed by electoral events. The versions indicate that the visit would take place in the second semester, during a trip that may include Uruguay.

Sergio Rubin planned last March that the possibility of a papal trip for the autumn of 2020 is gaining momentum, decision motivated inter alia by the letter of 100 bishops from all over the country on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of his accession to power, in which they asked him "do not deprive yourself of the joy of visiting your country", as part of the visit "ad limina apostolorum".

Until now, Francisco did not come to Argentina because, in the Vatican, they believe that "the conditions are not good", in reference to the "crack" that divides the Argentines and that could have a impact on their visit. "ideological tugs".

From the church, they warned that the pope should make the announcement before the presidential October. In this way, Francisco would escape any kind of political speculation since before the triumph of Peronism and the subsequent announcement of a papal visit, many comments would wake up and avoid coming to Argentina by an alleged confrontation with Macri.

While in the event that Macri would be re-elected, there would be no shortage of those who considered that the Sovereign Pontiff had to give his arm to twist and come because otherwise the trip would be long postponed.

Although there are also religious circumstances this explains their decision, since on April 1, 2020 will be celebrated the 500 years of the first mbad on what would be an Argentine territory: in the current Puerto San Julián, in the province of Santa Cruz. During his visit, the pope would seek to contribute to national unity and the conclusion of basic agreements before the great challenges of Argentina.

According to the newspaper The nation, in Francisco 's environment, also made it clear that he needed "that the Argentine rulers let him be pope" and badured that he was unhappy with the "use it". In this context, one of the goals is the former ambbadador to the Vatican. Eduardo Valdés, What It has only been received twice by the head of the Catholic Church.

Valdés is the main leader involved in the "operational pouf", the series of judicial maneuvers aimed at transforming the cause of bribebooks, as revealed Journalism for all (PPT).

Near the pope, they said that Francisco would not receive any leader of Argentine politics during the election year and badured that "he has no political predilection", after the versions of his sympathy for Peronism and especially the former president Cristina Kirchner. In turn, they argue that Francisco's main goal is to help the Argentineans overcome their divisions.

The Sovereign Pontiff, according to the interview, he spends little time on political issues from Argentina and recently learned that the former Minister of Economy, Roberto Lavagna, would run for president. Moreover, when an Argentinian spoke to him a few days ago about the appointment of Axel Kicillof, He looked at him with surprise and asked: "Candidate to what is Kicillof?" Yes, he knew the main formulas that will compete for the presidency: Mauricio Macri-Miguel Ángel Pichetto and Alberto Fernández-Cristina Kirchner.

They also deny that critics of Francisco al-Lawfare ("legal warfare", use of the judicial system to persecute a political opponent) refer to the situation of the former president, who used these statements of the pope to defend himself.

June 4th in Rome. Francisco's key document on nominal democracy and the role of the judiciary.

In this link, you speak in front of Latin American judges.

– Cristina Kirchner (@CFKArgentina) June 6, 2019

At the beginning of June, at the closing of the Pan-American Judges Summit in the Vatican, he warned: "Lawfare, in addition to seriously endangering the democracy of countries, is generally used to undermine emerging political processes and to soften systematic violation of social rights ".

"Here it is with its interpretation," they said from around the pontiff. They badure that the pope referred to "obvious cases in American countries" but not in Argentina.

Francisco also has close relations with the federal judge Claudio Bonadio, the magistrate who investigates many causes in which Cristina is involved and that is much criticized by the former president, who accuses him of "persecution".


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