Francisco: "It's an incongruity to talk about gay marriage" | Chronic


Pope Francisco badured Tuesday that "to talk about gay marriage is an incongruity " and he was defined as a "preservedr "that"always"He defended the doctrine.

"I am conservative, the grace of the Holy Spirit certainly exists, I have always defended the doctrine"said the pontiff in an interview with the Mexican channel Televisa aired Tuesday.

"And it's curious, in the law of same-bad marriage ……… it's an incongruity to talk about gay marriage", he added after being questioned about his position on this subject during his tenure as archbishop of the city of Buenos Aires.

"Before it was one thing and now I'm another, it's true," recognized Jorge Bergoglio during the interview, in which he again compared the abortion to "rent a successful man".

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"I hope that I grew up a little, that I sanctified myself a little more, that I changed my life, that I expanded more criteria, that maybe that by seeing the problems of the world, i have become aware of some things that i did not have before .. in that sense, there are changes, yes, but conservative … i am both. ", it was defined.

The Pope admitted having ordered the transfer of Bishop Zanchetta

He also admitted Tuesday that he had transferred the former bishop of Salta to the Vatican. Gustavo Zanchetta, following the denunciations received on badual abuse and the power of the prelate. "I brought him in and I asked him to resign, well, I sent him to Spain to do a psychiatric test.", he said in a report with Mexican television.

Francisco thus recounted the time that had elapsed between the resignation of Zanchetta to the bishopric of Oran from the city of Salta and his arrival as an advisor to the administration of the patrimony of the Holy Apostolic See (APSA), "immovable" of the Vatican, which manages more than 5,000 properties.

The pope explained to the Mexican channel Televisa that Zanchetta "He went to do a psychiatric test, the result of the test was in the normal, advised the treatment of the traveler, once a month". "Traveling to Madrid for a two-day treatment, so it did not suit me to go back to Argentina for that, so I had it here and as the test told me that I had a diagnostic capability in management subject, well, advise ", he added.

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Zanchetta was named to the "immovable " in December 2017 after giving up the bishopric of Oran. At the end of last year, following an investigation conducted by the newspaper El Tribuno de Salta, a lawsuit was opened against the former bishop for badual violence and power against seminarians who allegedly committed between 2014 and 2015.

The Church also launched its own canonical investigation and dismissed Zanchetta from office. Francisco badured Televisa that he did not know "what's going to end in"the canonical judgment Zanchetta faces.

"The previous survey officially arrived, I read it and saw that it was necessary to make a judgment, so I forwarded it to the Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith, they render the judgment ", a point.

In the interview published Tuesday, the pontiff said that "Obviously, he has reached an agreement, some say despot, authoritarian, economic management of things not quite clear it seems, this is not proven".

"But the clergy certainly did not feel well treated by him, they complained until they denounced the nunciature as clergy." I called the nunciature, and the nuncio told me: "Look, the denunciation is serious for abuse," abuse of power, one could say, right? ", he said.

In any case, Francisco appreciated the work of Zanchetta in the bishopric of Oran, saying that "In economic terms, it was complicated, but economic mismanagement did not take into account the work that he did."

"It was messy but the vision is good," he added. "Now, how will the trial end … I do not know what I leave them in. In fact, being a bishop, I have to judge him, but in that case, I said no. that in this case he is Argentinian, "said Francisco


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