Francisco proclaimed the Holy Mother Teresa of Calcutta Brazilian | Chronic


Pope Francis proclaimed this Sunday the holiness of the sister fresh, known as "Teresa mother of Brazilian calcutta", the first born in Brazil to be declared a saint.

He did so during a ceremony on St. Peter's Square at the Vatican and during which the British Cardinal was also canonized. John Henry Newmanwho, at age 44, converted to Catholicism and Italian religious Giuseppina Vannini, India Maria teresa chiramel and Switzerland Marguerite Bays.

The pope used the usual Latin formula to proclaim holiness and ask that it be inscribed in the books of the saints of the Church, during the Mass which coincided with the celebration at the Vatican of the Synod of the Church. ;Amazon.

Many faithful of Brazil, the Brazilian Vice President, Hamilton Mourãoand also the postulator of the cause of his canonization, Paolo Vilotta, the agency reported EFE.

He also had the presence of the heir to the British throne, the prince Carlos d & # 39; England.

Brazilian Maria Rita of Souza Brito Lopes Pontes He was born on May 26, 1914 and this Sunday was officially christened "Santa Dulce de los Pobres".

Sister fresh he experienced the third fastest canonization process in the recent history of the Catholic Church, since he was proclaimed holy only 27 years after his death, while St. John Paul II was proclaimed nine years after his death and St. Teresa of Calcutta, 19 years after his death.

In 1991, a few months before his death, he received the Pope's visit to Brazil. John Paul II during her hospitalization and in 2011, she was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI.

The Brazilian saint gave her life to the poor, the sick and the needy. She founded in her hometown several charitable hospitals and a social support system that she headed until her death on March 13, 1992, at the age of 77. stressed the Vatican.

He left a legacy including a network of hospitals and health centers for the poor, serving five million people a year.

Next to it was also sanctified the English cardinal and theologian John Henry Newman of the nineteenth century, beatified by Benedict XVI during his trip to the UK in 2010.

The case of Newman (London, 1801) is peculiar because, during the early years of his life, he was a priest of the Anglican Church and very critical of the Catholic Church.

But at 44, in 1845, he converted to Catholicism. Shortly after entering the oratories of San Felipe Neri, he was ordained a Catholic priest, founded the congregation of the Oratory in England, founded a Catholic University in Dublin, and supervised a New Bible Translation.


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