Francisco: "Prostitution is slavery, a criminal act" | Chronic


he dad Francisco defined prostitution as "a reduction to slavery", "a criminal act" and an "disease of humanity".

In the prologue of a book devoted to the fight against prostitution, published Monday in Italy, the pontiff wished that "We can understand that without curbing such a high demand from customers, we can not fight effectively against the exploitation and humiliation of innocent lives".

"Any form of prostitution is a reduction of slavery, a criminal act, a lousy vice that makes it difficult to make love with satiating instincts by torturing a defenseless woman"denounced Jorge Bergoglio in his introduction to the book "Crucified Women: The Shame of Traffic Told in the Street" by the priest Aldo Buonaiuto.

For the pope, prostitution "It's an injury to the collective consciousness, a departure from the current imaginary, the mentality that a woman must be exploited as a commodity to use and then spread is pathological".

In this context, he defined it as "a disease of humanity" and "an incorrect way of thinking about society".

Then the pope asked "free these poor slaves", like a "gesture of mercy and duty for all men of good will".

Francisco has repeatedly met with trafficked women and some Vatican institutions, such as the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, have repeatedly proposed to follow the model of Swedish legislation on client punishment in order to combat against this problem.


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