Francisco said that he doubted his faith at certain times in his life | Chronic


The Pope reminded this Sunday that at certain times in his life he had "a lot of doubts" about his faith and what is good "to be angry with Jesus" in situations of personal anxiety because "It's also a way of praying".

The pontiff went this afternoon to the Roman district of Monteverde, west of the capital, to visit the restored parish of San Julio, where he answered the questions of several faithful.

A young woman asked him if he had already doubted the faith and how he found it, to which the Argentine pope replied: "All men, women and children, at one time, have doubts, this is part of the life of doubting, and doubting too, is to put God to the test."

Francisco said that to move forward, it is necessary to share the concerns with other people. "I had a lot of doubts about the calamities or events of my life.How did I take the lead? I think I did not go out alone, you can never leave the doubt quiet, you need to the company of someone or someone to help you before "he recommended.

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This is not the first time that Pope Francis made this confession since he has already made it in general audience with the faithful in October 2013, just seven months after his election to a conclave.

"We all felt the sensation of being lost, having doubts and insecurities, who did not have them in their way of faith, and me, and that's part of that way and it does not must not surprise us because we are human beings, marked for fragility and limits "He said here.

This Sunday also said that it's good to share those moments of anxiety with "Parents, friends or the catechist" and it's also "to be angry with Jesus" in moments of personal anxiety. "To be angry with Jesus is also a way of praying, Jesus loves to see the truth in our hearts, do not hide yourself from Jesus, it is a beautiful prayer"he remarked.


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