Francisco says that whoever rejects homosexuals "does not have a human heart"


Pope Francis baderted that those who reject homobaduals "do not have a human heart", while stressing that "we are all human beings and we have dignity".

In photos: it was the way of cross of the Coliseum

At a meeting with British comedian Stephen K. Amos that will be broadcast this Friday in its entirety by the British television channel BBC, the pope said that "to give more importance to the "Adjective (homobadual) that in the name (human being) is not good" "

Amos, who was moved and cried during the Pope's words, had pointed out at the beginning of the meeting that "not being a religious man was looking for answers and faith" and that "as" gay man, he did not feel accepted. "

"No matter who you are or how you live, you do not lose your dignity," said Francisco. "There are people who prefer to choose or reject people for the adjective.

These people do not have a human heart, "he added.

"I feel between brothers and sisters and I did not ask you what was their faith or belief, because they have a fundamental faith in humanity," said the Sovereign Pontiff at the meeting.

In the end, he asked that "those who are believers pray for him and those who do not believe in it wish me a good trip so as not to disappoint anyone", as evidenced by an excerpt from the video published during the day. by the BBC.


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