Francisco spoke of the "worst version of the Church" | Chronic


Pope Francisco spoke Saturday of the disillusionment that exists between religions and sometimes forces the Church to offer "his worst version", at the homily at the Cathedral of Santa María la Antigua, Panama, where he arrived on Wednesday to participate in World Youth Day (WYD).

"The fatigue of hope was born when a church was hurt by her sin and so many times she did not hear the cries in which Master's cry was hidden", noted to a mbad, as recorded Efe.

The pontiff added that this disappointment provoked "The worst heresies of our time: to think that the Lord and our communities have nothing to say or to contribute to this new world that is getting ready".

Pope Francis quoted in his homily the fatigue of some religiousr "long working hours that leave little time to eat, rest and spend time with family" and even the "even working conditions and toxic conditions that lead to exhaustion and crack the heart".

Francisco will be in Panama until Sunday (DPA).

To consecrate the altar of Santa Maria Antigua restored, the pope also referred to what he called "fatigue of hope" for some religious and that cause "Do not let yourself go forward or look forward, as if everything was confusing."

He badured that this fatigue "This produces not knowing how to react to the intensity and perplexity of the changes that our society undergoes" and that even poses problems "the very viability of religious life in the world today".

He then advocated fighting against this tired hope and "return without fear to the founder well of the first love, when Jesus went by our way, he looked at us with mercy".

"In this way, we will avoid the risk of departing from ourselves and we will abandon the tedious fatigue to find the eyes with which Christ continues today to seek us, calling and inviting the mission", he added.

Francisco arrived in Panama on Wednesday to participate in World Youth Day (WYD) and fulfilled his program, which included meetings with the country's authorities, bishops from Central America and other activities that have peaked this Sunday.


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