Francisco told bishops that he "wishes" to visit Argentina – Telam


Pope Francis told a group of 31 Argentine bishops that he had received at the Vatican his "desire" to visit the country, although, according to pastors, there is still "no sign of yes or no "during a possible trip of the pontiff. for 2020.

"The pope has expressed his desire to visit us several times, but the difficulty is on the agenda," he said during a dialogue with Argentine media, including Telam, the archbishop of Corrientes Andrés Stanovnik, at the end of the two-hour meeting wounded by the "polarization" in Argentina.

"We have no indication in ourselves or by ourselves, we only know that it is very difficult," said Archbishop of La Plata, Víctor Manuel Fernández, at the same time. a meeting with the press, questioned about the possible return of Jorge Bergoglio to his native country. next year

According to the Archbishop of Corrientes, the political reality of the country "did not appear as a subject, but was evoked by a bishop referring to the reality of his own diocese, but he did not not taken a public status when meeting with the pope ".

In this context, according to Fernandez, the pontiff heard some bishops talk about the "concern for the existence of some social tension" in Argentina.

"There is already a polarization in Argentina, and in the case of the discussion on abortion, for example, it has been even more badertive." force, "said the archbishop of the capital Buenos Aires.

The pontiff met today for two hours at the Vatican Apostolic Palace with 31 bishops from the first group of more than 100 pastors who, between April and May, made the visit 'ad limina' & # 39; 39; to the Vatican to visit the main bodies of Headquarters


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