Francisco, worried about the "vast fires in the Amazon" | Chronic


Pope Francisco He expressed his concern for "vast fires" who devastate the Amazon, which he considered "a vital forest lung" for the planet and asked that the flames be "checked as soon as possible".

"Pray that, thanks to everyone's efforts, they will be controlled as soon as possible, this forest lung is vital for our planet.", said the pontiff of the Vatican Apostolic Palace window and after the prayer of the Angelus, according to the news agency EFE.

I read AS WELL: "They warn that the smoke of the Amazon could reach Buenos Aires"

Brazil began last Saturday deploying 44,000 troops in the vast Amazon region to fight forest fires in this region. The situation has put the government in check Jair Bolsonarocriticized internationally for failing to react in time.

I read AS WELL: "Amazon and trade tensions: what left the G7 open?"

These fires are also part of the central themes of the G7 summit held in Biarritz (France). In this sense, the President of the European Council, Donald TuskHe questioned last Saturday the ratification of the trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur if Brazil did not fight the incident.

The EU adheres to the EU-Mercosur agreement but harmonious ratification is hard to imagine as long as the Brazilian government allows the destruction of the green lungs of planet Earth.

– Donald Tusk (@ eucopresident)
August 24, 2019


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