Francisco, worried about violence in Chile | Chronic


Pope Francisco manifested his "You worry" for the situation that Chile is going through and asked "end to violent demonstrations" and, through dialogue, "Work to find solutions to the crisis."

"I'm worried about what's happening in Chile"said the pontiff during the reception of Spanish-speaking faithful at the general audience Wednesday at Plaza San Pedro.

In this context, he added his "I hope that, by ending the violent demonstrations, through dialogue, work to find solutions to the crisis and solve the difficulties that have generated, in the interest of the entire population."

READ ALSO: Chile: Piñera to meet with other parties to "move towards agreements"

After five days of chaos, violent clashes between security forces and protesters, looting of shops and massive demonstrations of protest, the Chilean president, Sebastian Piñera, should have asked yesterday "Sorry" and announce a calendar of "social change" end a social explosion that has left several dead, hundreds wounded and more than a thousand inmates.


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