‘Freedom Day’: from today UK lifted restrictions due to pandemic, so Boris Johnson urged to be careful


UK has eased restrictions due to pandemic and nightclubs have reopened
UK has eased restrictions due to pandemic and nightclubs have reopened

The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, on Monday urged all adults in the country who have not yet been immunized against covid-19 to be vaccinated while calling for “caution”, coinciding with the removal of the last legal restrictions to contain the pandemic.

In a statement released the day before by the British government, the executive recalls that the passage of England to phase 4 of its de-escalation plan implies that “Most of the restrictions have ended, replaced with guidelines that emphasize judgment and personal responsibility.”

The note also notes that, those over 18 can now make an appointment to be vaccinated and that nearly 60% of the population under 25 has received at least the first injection.

“Young adults can be key transmitters and are encouraged to receive both doses”, said the statement, which added that the cases will continue to increase although the vaccination program “has considerably weakened the link between infection and hospitalization and death”.

The government recalls that, according to data from the public health agency Public Health England, a dose of the Pfizer or Astrazaena vaccine offers an 80% effectiveness against hospitalizations in the case of the delta variant, and that this effectiveness increases to 96% after complete elimination guideline.

According to the latest official data released this Sunday, The UK has recorded 48,161 new COVID-19 infections in the past 24 hours and 25 more deaths from the disease.

Johnson stresses the need to continue to be careful after the regulations are withdrawn and reminds that the pandemic is not over.Instead, the country is entering a new phase after weighing the risks.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

“Cases in the UK and Europe continue to increase, and the threat of a new variant persists,” precise.

In the statement, the “prime minister” discloses a five-point plan for living with covid-19 from Monday, which includes strengthening the vaccine’s defenses by reducing the interval between the two doses, from 12 to 8 weeks for all adults and states that most legal restrictions have been lifted and replaced with guidelines that will allow citizens to make their own decisions, with an emphasis on caution and individual responsibility.

He also confirms that the NHS – public health service – tracking system will continue to be used and that all positive cases for the virus will be required by law to self-isolate until August 16, after which the adults with the directive will be fully exempt and under 18.

In addition, border controls will be maintained, including quarantines for travelers from a country on the Red List and for those who do not have the full vaccination schedule in the case of those coming from places on the Red List. the orange list.

The statement added that the data will be continuously reviewed and contingency plans will be available, although restrictions will be avoided if possible. The government plans to review the current guidelines in September.

Johnson remains in isolation at his country home in Checkers after maintaining contact with Health Minister Sajid Javid, who tested positive for covid-19.

(With information from EFE)


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