“Freedom, democracy and human rights are not negotiable”: Fox underlines the rejection of the President of Uruguay in Venezuela and Cuba


Photo: REUTERS / Ginnette Riquelme / Archives
Photo: REUTERS / Ginnette Riquelme / Archives

The ex-president Vicente Renard underlined the position of some Latin American leaders who questioned the presence the Venezuelan president, Nicolas maduro and Cuban, Miguel Diaz Canel.

Via your account Twitter, Vicente Fox wrote a few posts in which he wrote:

“Fortunately there are defenders of Democracy, freedoms and human rights! Which side are we on? We Mexicans get it right, our government is NOT doing this. You have to be on the success side, never on the failure side !! “(sic), wrote Fox.

In a second message, Fox Quesada underlined: “You know who …. Nice answer to López !! Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights ARE NOT NEGOTIABLE !! Not between friends, let alone between countries! CELAC: Uruguay calls for repression and the lack of democracy in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela ”(sic), explained the PAN.

The former president of origin of Guanajuato thus underlined the disagreement between Uruguay, Paraguay, Venezuela and Cuba due to the presence of these last two countries in the VI Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) held this Saturday at the National Palace and where the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador once again supported Cuba, condemning the economic embargo against the island by the United States government and insisted on its idea of create a kind of European Union (EU) in America, with the aim of promoting the development of the region.

After the participation of López Obrador, the presidents and representatives of the participating countries underlined their positions, but Paraguay and Uruguay expressed dissatisfaction with the presence of Venezuela and Cuba.

The first to do so was the President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez, who condemned participation in the event Nicolas maduro.

My presence at this summit in no way represents recognition of the government of Nicolás Maduro. There is no change in my government’s position and I think it’s gentlemen to say it head onHe said, but received an angry response from the Venezuelan.

A general view of the VI Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) in the National Palace.  (Photo: Presidency of Mexico via REUTERS)
A general view of the VI Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) in the National Palace. (Photo: Presidency of Mexico via REUTERS)

For its part, Luis Lacalle, President of Uruguay, he assured:

“When we see that in some countries there is no full democracy, the separation of powers is not respected, when the repressive apparatus is used of power to silence protests, when opponents are imprisoned, when human rights are not respected, we must, in that calm but firm voice, say with concern that we seriously see what is going on in Cuba, to Nicaragua and in VenezuelaLacalle claimed.

After the participation of the two leaders, Nicolás Maduro asked to speak to exercise his right of reply.

He challenged Mario Abdo Benítez and Luis Lacalle to debate democracy.

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Nicolás Maduro challenged Lacalle to debate democracy (Photo: Miraflores Palace / via Reuters)
Nicolás Maduro challenged Lacalle to debate democracy (Photo: Miraflores Palace / via Reuters)

“I say to the President of Paraguay, set the date for a debate on democracy. Set the date for President Lacalle (Uruguay), or set the date for President López Obrador (Mexico) for a debate. In front of people or in private, with respect and without exclusions, ”he stressed.

After the disagreement and at the end of the summit which lasted more than five hours, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador concluded the meeting by assuring that Mexico was “the home of all and all”, while wishing the participants in the Cumbre de la Celac, a good comeback.

“I close the event by reiterating what you already know. Beautiful and beloved Mexico, Mexico is the home of all of you. Have a good trip and soon I will come back sisters, sisters, brothers from America and the Caribbean; sisters and brothers of our America, ”he concluded.


AMLO reiterated its support for Cuba, condemned the US economic blockade and insisted on the union of America
VI Celac Summit: tension between Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela
The three Latin American presidents who differentiated themselves from the dictatorships of Maduro, Ortega and Díaz-Canel in CELAC

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