French architect said that Notre Dame Cathedral is still in danger | Chronic


The Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris "always in danger" due to the fragility of the vaults and the risk of collapse of a scaffold built around the needle before the fire of April 15, said the architect who directs the work , Philippe Villeneuve

"The monument is still in danger in two planes", Villeneuve warned according to the agency ANSA who also pointed out that the most engaged areas are "One of the vaults that can always fall and the scaffold that can collapse". "They do not swim: there are about 200-300 tons of iron there," he warned.

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It should be noted that on Monday, April 15, a fire was declared in the Gothic Cathedral, one of the most iconic buildings in the world, and that its famous tower and its arrow-shaped roof had collapsed. About 500 firefighters worked all night to put out the fire, which they reached at 10 o'clock the following Tuesday.

READ ALSO: After the fire, Notre Dame opened its doors


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