Friend of fire: for Melconian, the Fund's plan is endless


As part of an event organized by IDEA, the former head of Cambiemos did not hesitate to warn that "in this context, it is absolutely necessary that the disbursements of the IMF enter".

"A chaotic transition is avoidable. ups and the socks (highs and lows), neither chaos nor order, if we know how to control it. There is uncertainty about 2020 depending on the traumatic situation of the transition, "said Melconian, who has not hesitated to shoot with heavy ammunition against the ruling party and warned that" the conferences of Guido Sandleris and Hernán Lacunza They were "we continue with the flint plan". Continue in the flints, which will result in more inflation and a lower level of activity and go out looking for elections, seems a contradiction. "

And he continued: "Here, the transition game is played, the $ 59 billion to which, if I take everything in China (the exchange agreed with the Chinese central bank), Remaining 37 billion, the foreign exchange market and the payment of the debt will require"


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