Friend of pedophile pediatrician: "He sent a shit but it's not a monster" | Chronic


While the pediatrician at Garrahan Hospital is still in custody after being charged with possession, production and distribution of child badgraphy, a friend of the wanted doctor, Alejandro Pipino, said that "He was sent a shit, but this is not a monster".

"I'm rooted, I need some information from Ricardo, I consider it as a moral obligation.Nobody in my environment wants me to speak, there is fear, I have it too, but i can not help but think about my friend, i'm afraid that he's doing anything, that he's committing suicide, that's my obsession. i want my message come in some way and be strong, to hold, " Pepin counted.

It should be noted that Pipino traveled with his friend to the World Cup in Russia and described it as "The best pediatrician's reach and one of the most important today."

"He was always baded in the laburo, he was not allowed to miss a diagnosis, I met him in extreme situations, leaving my life to save the lives of many children. I need to know how Ricardo worked, with what seriousness and what pbadion, a guy very committed to his patients ", badysis.

Last November, there was a raid in Russo's house and the pediatrician called him desperate. There, his friend remembered his words: "You do not know what happened, they accused me of something that nothing to do, I would have preferred to be murdered."

But he admitted that one of the computers was compromising: "He did not explain it clearly, but he told me that it was a video, but that he never aired , exchanged or facilitated these contents. "

"He spent a year of shit over, but little by little he was edifying and was much better, I suppose, because he had not received any notification and because he had permission from his lawyer." And he continued his life, working at the hospital, convinced of its truth ", keep on going

"He is guilty of something, of possession of material, of child badgraphy, he is a pediatrician, he takes care of the boys, he is a jerk, but he is not up to par, he did not understand. that this material could compromise him.I know him, I am a serial interviewer, I have 400 patients a month.If I know something, it's to pretend to be a person and Ricardo never caught him in anything very suspicious, " he said to Clarín.

And he concluded: "I'm going to be the most severe with him, if you're guilty, pay what you have to pay, but do not kill her right away, let's stop with the media lynching, let justice calmly investigate."


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