From bad to worse: 6,000 hectares burned and 9,000 evacuated in Gran Canaria | Chronic


More than 6,000 hectares burned and 9,000 evacuees caused the fire that hit the northern Spanish island of Gran Canaria, where nearly 1,000 people and 14 airplanes use it to prevent the flames from reaching urban centers.

Declared Saturday afternoon, the fire accumulates a perimeter of 60 kilometers, affects eight municipalities and arrived at Tamadaba Nature ParkIn the north-east of the island, a native Canary Island pine forest has been declared a biosphere reserve.

This "unprecedented environmental disaster on the island he touched on Monday more than 150 species of terrestrial plants endemic to this island territory, he told the press agency EFE the director of the Canarian Botanical Garden "Viera and Clavijo", Julio Caujapé.

The panorama of the fire worries the authorities (Photo: Europa Press).

Angel victor torres, Regional President of the Canary Islands, added that the increase in the area burned was due to the fire of the Tamadaba Natural Park, although apparently it can cause less damage than expected.

READ ALSO: "Uncontrolled fire on the island of Gran Canaria: 1,500 hectares burned and 4,000 evacuees"

The Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Luis Planas, is in the tourist Gran Canaria, one of the largest and most populated islands of the archipelago, where he indicated that the next 48 hours would be crucial in the evolution of the fire.

In addition to this new fire, there were two precedents not yet extinguished on the tourist island of Gran Canaria, although controlled.


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