From bad to worse: Uruguay already surpasses Argentina in rate of active cases – economic, financial and economic news


With 1,625 new cases in the country and 16 deaths on Sunday,
Uruguay has overtaken Argentina in its proportion of active coronavirus cases to its people, presenting 0.37% of the affected population against 0.35% in Argentina.

Based on this data, Yesterday active cases stood at 13,015 and deaths at 792, marking a difficult day for the neighboring country, which is worried about the occupancy of its intensive care beds.

Currently, according to the Uruguayan Society of Intensive Medicine (SUMI), 175 COVID-19 patients are in intensive care and, if this number remains linear for two weeks, there will be saturation of the beds at this level.

This reveals the data provided by SUMI, who explained that the total bed occupancy for this Sunday was 64.3%, 22% of that percentage being patients with COVID-19.

According to the organization, if this rate is maintained, by April 4, the occupation of patients infected with the virus in intensive treatment centers (ICS) in Uruguay would be 35%, which is considered a red level, since the total number of beds will be occupied by 79%. However, they warned that these numbers are an average and because of this, many hospitals could collapse sooner.

The department of Ro Negro, which overtook Rivera on Sunday, has been the most affected so far as it has become the area with the highest average of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants over the past 7 days. According to the latest report from the Uruguayan Ministry of Health, 39 new cases were recorded on Sunday, adding to the total of 459 active in the department.

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In view of this, face-to-face classes have been suspended in the capital of Ro Negro, Fray Bentos, as a quarter of active cases have occurred in children under the age of 18 who are infected at school. Province It only has 12 CTI beds and Alejandra Cresci, president of the Ro Negro Medical Union, admitted that although the system has not yet collapsed, the specialists are “working very hard” because there are problems. doctors who have also infected and are complying with quarantine.

On the other hand, this weekend, Uruguay allowed 170,000 places for people aged 18 to 70 to register to be vaccinated during Tourism Week, i.e. Holy Week. . Thus, in barely an hour, the quota of teams was already completed and these people will join the 300,000 vaccinated that Uruguay already has at the beginning of April.

In Argentina, for its part, the government resolution on border crossings is awaited. Today, Monday March 22, the governors of the provinces with direct visits abroad will meet 4 ministers: Mario Meoni, of Transport; Eduardo “Wado” by Pedro, from the inside; Carla Vizzotti, health and Sabina Frederic, security.

The objective of this meeting is to define new restrictions to strengthen the entry and exit of people through border posts with Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay, given the increase in cases of coronavirus in these regions.


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