From Cambiemos went to the junction against Stolbizer by the denunciations of stupid contributions


An official legislator pointed out Margarita and questioned the origin of GEN's campaign funds in 2015

The scandal for the "truchos" contributions of the Cambiemos campaign was installed in the last hours in the middle of strong political crossroads between the oficialismo and the opposition of the Province.

The new chapter of the controversy has begun since the decision of the former national deputy and leader of the Gen Margarita Stolbizer to appear in Justice to contribute more cases of people who appear as contributors to the change campaign 2017 but who claim not to have put money.

Margarita asked to be "amicus curiae" in the federal court of Sebastian Casanello, where one of the causes opened up from a journalistic report that revealed the existence of 850 contributors to Cambiemos (most social plan beneficiaries) who deny having collaborated in the campaign. 9003] Stolbizer presented to Casanello another 150 complaints from people who appear as contributors to Cambiemos. They are cases of 2015 and 2017, and were collected by the civil badociation "Under the Magnifier", which chairs the former deputy.

"It was armed and planned," denounced Stolbizer, who however decided not to load the ink. Governor Maria Eugenia Vidal, noting that "she is not the big boss" and that it is "a problem of Change Coalition."

Stolbizer's presentation triggered a stern response from Cambiemos referents, who came to cross the former legislator. MPP Susana Lázzari's decision was one of the voices of the malaise, to cast doubt on the origin of the funds with which the GEN financed her proselytizing activity in 2015.

"It would be also good to investigate the Stolbizer campaign "said MP Lázzari during a radio interview. He added: "It is common knowledge that the 2015 Margarita campaign would have been financed with the money of (former governor, Daniel) Scioli, and that (former MPP) Marcelo Díaz would have been the link to get there. " "That's why we are surprised that at the moment, politically, he is making these denunciations," added Lázzari

. This was not, however, Cambiemos' first reaction to the denunciations promoted by the opposition. Pro-government deputies César Torres and Mauricio Vivani also came to the crossroads with the harshness against the presentation that led to justice the head of the K deputies bloc, Florencia Saintout.

"A FESTIVAL OF TROLLS" [19659003] Meanwhile, Peronism and Kirchnerism Buenos Aires came out in the last hours in a coordinated move to focus on Vidal's figure as "responsible" for the irregularities.

After a meeting that kept the intendants, legislators, and leaders of PJ Bonaerense in Hurlingham decided to leave with a coordinated move to submit requests for reports in the 135 councils of the province to ask for explanations about the contributors truchos.

In particular, the draft stipulates that the Vidal government must submit Total pay to affiliate parties to the Alliance Let's change that which also appear in the list of contributors to the 2017 campaign.

The PJ Bonaeren He also issued a stern document yesterday accusing Cambiemos of being "a group of trolls."

Meanwhile, in the last hours, the Department of Social Development of the Nation has informed the federal prosecutor with skill election, Jorge Di Lello, that at least 153 people who make up the list are receiving or have received social plans.

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