From Casa Rosada they rejected the comparison


Frigerio said that with the kirchnerist policy, he was heading to Venezuela Credit: Enrique Villegas

The irruption of the former president
Cristina Kirchner with a
controversial comparison with
Venezuela generated the immediate
reaction of the Government of
Mauricio Macri and the leaders of the governor María Eugenia Vidal, who took the opportunity to point out that the policies of the former Kirchner government would have had the consequences of the Venezuelan regime, which leads
Nicolás Maduro.

The first to react was the Minister of the Interior,
Rogelio Frigerio, who pointed out that the continuity of Cristina Kirchner or the succession of Daniel Scioli in 2015 would have meant reaching
Venezuela. "If the government of Cristina and the politics of Kirchnerism persist inexorably on the path of what is happening today in Venezuela," said Frigerio.

"This would have happened from the energy point of view, the food crisis and intolerance to those who think differently.That's why we can not afford to go back, because this danger is always latent "said the political portfolio manager.

Faithful to the strategy of the government of Mauricio Macri, he stressed that the vote for Kirchnerism is "a return to the past", an axis that seeks to install the fear of changing political sign and to polarize the anti-Kirchner vote.

Something similar has been commented on the government of María Eugenia Vidal in Buenos Aires. In this case, they were not surprised by the statements. "We are not surprised, the problem with all Kirchnerism is that they want to sell something that they are not," said a senior official of the country's largest district president.

"Reality alone betrays and denies them, and what milk is it going to drink?" That's why we say that these elections are the most important since the return of democracy: two models of countries are in game, "said a senior government official. provincial.

The rejection did not reach that party in power. "It's an absurd and ridiculous statement if there is one," presidential candidate José Luis Espert said of Cristina Kirchner's remarks.

At Casa Rosada, they trusted
THE NATION Cristina's statements,
as well as those of Aníbal Fernández on María Eugenia Vidal, are in favor of the strategy of the government, which consists of showing the most questionable side of Kirchnerism. In this sense, they recalled that the former president had received a campaign slip when two weeks ago
He criticized the second brands by calling them Pindonga and Cuchuflito while they actually employ a large number of workers.



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