From Cuba, Vizzotti tries to bring the Sobera vaccine …


Since Cuba, the Minister of Health of the Nation, Carla Vizzotti, said the government is seeking to speed up the arrival of more vaccines before winter. “We coordinate with the Anmat to receive the developments of the phases of the Sovereign 02 and Abdala vaccines “, he spoke about the vaccines developed on the island.

In this sense, Vizzotti hoped “to be able to climb very strongly in vaccination ” before the arrival of low winter temperatures – which lead to less ventilation of the environments – generate a new escalation of infections.

Cuba is advancing in the development of five vaccines against the coronavirus, Sovereign 01, 02 and Plus, by scientists at the Finlay Vaccine Institute and, on the other hand. Abdala and Mambisa, at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.

In dialogue with Radio 10, Vizzotti explained that “we are working with the Cuban Ministry of Health and coordinating with ANMAT so that they can send them the development of the phases of these vaccines for an interim analysis.

The head of the health portfolio, on the other hand, spoke of the acceleration of the arrival of vaccines this last week by declaring that “We distribute more than two and a half million doses, with that, we will be able to progress very strongly in the vaccination in the priority ranges ”.

“AstraZeneca has informed us that this Monday at 8 am they will arrive around 2,150,000 of the agreement between Argentina and Mexico. With these doses, plus those arriving in June both bilaterally, with the Covax mechanism and the signing of the new contract with Sinopharm for 6 million, you have to be able to climb very strongly in vaccination before the onset of winter “, he detailed.


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