From Mexico, Felipe Solá has sent in his resignation as chancellor, after learning of his fugitive replacement


Felipe Solá sent a letter of resignation from his post as Chancellor of Mexico (Alejandro Rios)
Felipe Solá sent a letter of resignation from his post as Chancellor of Mexico (Alejandro Rios)

“I have a duty to address myself to you in order to raise my resignation from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship with which he will honor me in due time ”, he said. the note sent by Felipe Solá to President Alberto Fernández, dated September 18 in Mexico City.

“In doing so, I thank you for your trust at this time and I wish you personal happiness and the full recovery of our beloved Argentina”, continues the note which does not reflect the discomfort felt by the official upon learning in the middle of his flight to Mexico as part of a diplomatic mission that he had been dismissed from his post and that his place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be occupied by the current Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero.

“Without further clarification, I greet you with my greatest consideration and respect”, concludes Solá’s brief letter.

The resignation of Felipe Solá, dated from Mexico
The resignation of Felipe Solá, dated from Mexico

Felipe Solá embarked Thursday evening with a small delegation to participate in the Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which in Mexico City, he planned to appoint Alberto Fernández as president pro tempore. The Chancellor had also been working for several weeks to ensure the Argentine president enough votes to appropriate the body.

Alone He left Buenos Aires assuming he would continue to lead the foreign relations portfolio, despite his personal and political differences with Alberto Fernández. But, at a time when the plane was flying over El Salvador, he received an urgent call from Santiago Cafiero who informs him that his departure from his functions will be announced in a few minutes. And, in addition, that he himself would be his replacement.

Felipe Solá has already stepped off the plane in Mexico City as outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs. Until recently, Eduardo Ebrard was waiting for him there to receive him with the honors corresponding to the Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs, who also traveled on behalf of President Alberto Fernández. A frankly embarrassing situation from a diplomatic point of view.

Felipe Solá, already without the costume of chancellor, on his arrival in Mexico, where the Minister of Foreign Affairs of that country, Eduardo Ebrard was waiting for him.
Felipe Solá, already without the costume of chancellor, on his arrival in Mexico, where the Minister of Foreign Affairs of that country, Eduardo Ebrard was waiting for him.

The civil servant decided not to participate in the forum and immediately sent in his resignation in Buenos Aires.

To fail in his attempts to place those responsible for his kidney at the head of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), Alberto Fernández pointed the finger at Celac’s presidency, for which he appointed his chancellor.

The president had planned to travel to Mexico himself for a lightning tour to assume the presidency of CELAC. But the crisis triggered by the appointment of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is forcing her to push forward with changes in her cabinet. Felipe Solá was thus in charge of the diplomatic mission.

He traveled to Mexico with the idea of ​​finally achieving diplomatic success after two years of a rather gray administration, when he was surprised by the news of his replacement by Santiago Cafiero.

After a brief exchange of messages by whatsapp with the President of the Nation, he decided not to attend the deliberations of the Celac and sat down to write his resignation.


Diplomatic scandal: Solá learned in El Salvador that he was no longer chancellor, resigned his post in Mexico and did not attend the CELAC summit
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