From Rio de Janeiro to Venice, carnival celebrates the world in its own way – 09/02/2019


Regarded as the oldest celebration of humanity, the celebration of Carnival it is characterized in different parts of the planet by excesses and joy.

It is thought that it began to be played more than 5,000 years ago by Sumerian peasants, who disguised themselves to celebrate the fertility of the land.

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It then spread to ancient Greece, dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine, and to Rome, where the god Bacchus was honored. During the Middle Ages, it acquired a great splendor when Venice hosted this pagan festival., introduced by browsers who arrived at his port.

Venice Carnival, a declared celebration World Heritage Site

Venice Carnival, a declared celebration World Heritage Site

From there, he adopted the name "Carne-levare", an Italian expression that means "remove the meat", with reference to the ban on consummation that governs during the Easter period, the reform of the calendar made by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.

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Every Friday.

The carnival festivities, however, had in common their close connection with spiritual and astronomical phenomena or natural cycles, which, as today, have resulted in music, dance, mockery and trust. in itself. .

Here, some of the most recognized celebrations in Europe and South America.

Every corner of the city and even the gondolas are transformed into a big carnival scene. REUTERS / Manuel Silvestri

Every corner of the city and even the gondolas are transformed into a big carnival scene. REUTERS / Manuel Silvestri

Venice, Italy

From February 16th to March 5th Venice is preparing to host the most famous carnival of all.

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Every corner of the city, and even the gondolas that use the cbads, become a big stage where neighbors, tourists and professionals wear the famous masks and medieval costumes, characteristic of the tradition of the Middle Ages, when the nobility sought to hide its identity to mingle with the population and enjoy the freedom of a "pbading period" ".

Piazza San Marco is the nerve center where most shows take place. and the inaugural event: the famous "Volo dell & # 39; Angelo", when an artist in traditional costume descends from a mechanical cable mechanical cable from the bell tower to the Doge's Palace.

Traditional Regatta of the Grand Cbad of Venice

Traditional Regatta of the Grand Cbad of Venice

During the 18 days of the carnival, you will also enjoy a large number of private events, some in wonderful Venetian palaces, whose tickets must be purchased in advance and wear period costumes, which can also be rented online (

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The most recognized carnival of America and the second most important in the world – after Venice– It is officially inaugurated when the great king Momo is crowned and receives the keys of the city from the hands of the mayor. On the afternoon of March 1st, the festivities begin with the parade of children's samba schools.

Beija Flor members dance during carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Sambadrome / AFP PHOTO / Carl DE SOUZA

Beija Flor members dance during carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Sambadrome / AFP PHOTO / Carl DE SOUZA

The next day, the official parades and samba schools of the access group take place.

The most anticipated days arrive on Sunday 3 and Monday 4, when it will be the turn of the Samba Special Schools, the best schools competing for the title of carnival champion.

The one in Rio de Janeiro is one of the most coveted carnivals in the world. REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes

The one in Rio de Janeiro is one of the most coveted carnivals in the world. REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes

Everyone has 80 minutes to visit the sambadrome and win with his dances, his songs and his show presented exclusively for this edition. The top six participate in the so-called Parade of Champions, March 9, the last day of the carnival, where the big winner is announced.

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For 5 days, the Sapucaí Sambadrome Marks receives 60,000 sambistas, 3,500 percussionists and 70 tanks, in a show in front of more than 200,000 people.. It is essential to buy the tickets and to book the accommodation on the dates chosen in advance (

Many colors and joy among the members of the Sague school in Mangueira / AFP PHOTO / Mauro PIMENTEL

Many colors and joy among the members of the Sague school in Mangueira / AFP PHOTO / Mauro PIMENTEL

Montevideo, Uruguay

The carnival of Montevideo is a celebration born in the second half of the eighteenth century and is a faithful expression of Afro-Uruguayan culture., which is exhibited in the famous "Llamadas", features of this festival and where forty quarters of blacks and lubos parade in the neighborhoods of Sur and Palermo. These are the spontaneous demonstrations that black people made when their drums rang in the streets to celebrate.

The rhythm that unites this carnival, considered the longest in the world with a duration of 40 days, is the candombe. The thousands of people who accompany each year dance and enjoy cuplés and murgas, with mocking and satirical songs.

The rhythm that unites this carnival is the candombe (Photo by PABLO PORCIUNCULA / AFP)

The rhythm that unites this carnival is the candombe (Photo by PABLO PORCIUNCULA / AFP)

In this celebration, they also participate parodists (focused on theatrical representation of humoradas), comedians (who seek to make people laugh through fictional scenarios, with songs, dance and recitation) and magazines (who favor dance with humor or singing).

This year, the inaugural parade took place on January 24th. (

Color and rhythm in the comparsas of the capital of Uruguay (Photo by PABLO PORCIUNCULA / AFP)

Color and rhythm in the comparsas of the capital of Uruguay (Photo by PABLO PORCIUNCULA / AFP)

Oruro, Bolivia

With Andean traditions, original peoples and Christians, introduced by the Spaniards upon their arrival in America, the carnival of Oruro is characterized by folk ensembles from different regions of Bolivia, such as the corporals waka waka, sambos, morenadas, llameros tinkus, among others.

For the carnival of Oruro in Bolivia, half a million people are waiting.

For the carnival of Oruro in Bolivia, half a million people are waiting.

The famous diabladas represent the true meaning of the carnival: a struggle of good against evil in which the good always triumphs, characterized by devils and angels parading with spectacular costumes, throwing fire by the mouth and the rockets. The Pachamama, as in the carnival of northern Argentina, has a prominent role and is a symbol of the celebration's identity.

This year, the carnival of Oruro will take place from February 23 to March 4 (AFP).

This year, the carnival of Oruro will take place from February 23 to March 4 (AFP).

During the festivities, the Virgen del Socavón is venerated – the patron saint of the miners – and every Saturday of the carnival, a pilgrimage is organized in its sanctuary, in the traditional entrance.

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The carnival of Oruro takes place this year from February 23 to March 4, with the days from March 1 to 4 for most of the organizers. The pilgrimage to Socavón will take place on Saturday 2nd March and the entry to Corso on Sunday 3. A few weeks before the beginning of the traditional treats (


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