From the hospital, Bolsonaro sought justice after the attack against him | Chronic


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, asked Sunday that the attack suffered last September is not "unpunished", in a video filmed from the hospital of San Pablo, where he remains hospitalized since the end of January to be cured of the consequences of this attack.

"I hope our dear federal police" get one "solution for the case in the coming weeks"said in a recording posted via his personal account on the social network Twitter.

The president has been under medical treatment at the hospital since Jan. 28, when he came in to remove a colostomy that had been performed after the Sept. 6 attack.

The doctors were waiting for their resignation Wednesday Wednesday, but because of pneumonia, they had to treat him with antibiotics and prolong his hospitalization, which caused a wave of reports on his condition.

The aggression against the current head of the Brazilian state occurred in the middle of the campaign. He was stabbed in the middle of an act and was seriously injured in the abdominal area.

The author of the attack, identified as being Adélio BispoHe was arrested immediately afterwards and the authorities have not yet determined whether he had acted alone or under the command of any one or a group.


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