From the inclusion to the protection of the environment: in his day, we honor the bike with stories of Cordoba


As part of World Bike Day, there is no greater tribute than gratitude for the mere existence and service that this faithful means of transportation provides to hundreds of people, at the international and provincial levels .

By itself, cycling can become a simple means of recreation, a means of personal transportation, a work tool or even a fundamental element of a Paralympic athlete.

1. Adapted bikes that change lives

"Cross your limits", the slogan of the Jean Maggi Foundation, aimed at working with people with disabilities, is undoubtedly the most faithful and transparent description of its personality.

At age 56, John's life reflects his deep beliefs in overcoming every goal and challenge he faced. He participated in marathons around the world and even climbed the Himalayas with his hand bike. Since its foundation, they have sought to change the concept that disability is a limit.

Jean Maggi confirms that "the sport has given me the freedom that my fears have taken me". (Facebook / Jean Maggi)

2. An athlete at the limit

Seven years ago, the life of Carolina Reppetto (33 years old) took a 360 degree turn and the manager was nothing more than a bike. "You never know what's going on at the top of the bike and what you're fighting for," he said.

Caro is a mother, wife, trainer, teacher and cyclist and together with Mariana Benítez, they were the first Argentinean women to participate for the first time in the "Absa Cape Epic 2019", which looks like the "Tour de France of cycling" ATV "in South Africa.

Carolina Reppetto with her cycling partner Mariana Benítez last March in South Africa. (Facebook / Carolina Reppetto)

3. Cycling at home: two-wheeled adventures

In June 2018, 31-year-old Lucas Ledezma went to Russia with his bike to raise funds to build a school for people with disabilities in his hometown of Toledo. The five months of travel, about 14,000 kilometers by bike, were worth it: this Thursday, April 11, they began with the construction of the solidarity project.

"The bike is my home; I have everything I need to live in. It's a very great teaching that allows you to travel that way. You learn that with very little, you can be happy, "says Lucas. And he badures: "For me, this trip has changed my life, my vision of life".

Lucas Ledezma says cycling is "without a doubt the best way to get to know the world" (Facebook / @todoapedal)

4. An ecological and sustainable transport

Victoria Agulla Tagle, or "Vitussss" (as we call her in social networks), understood the power she had to start this arduous cultural change of using the bike as a means of transportation. This is why, day after day, the faithful "flacleta", as he calls his bike, accompanies him in his daily life throughout the city of Cordoba. "There is not a day in my life when I do not ride on the bike," Vicky said.

Vicky gives a new twist to the networks to spread a healthy and necessary habit. "I find in them a way to communicate with a community that is interested in my lifestyle," he said.

"It makes me happy to know that I am not contaminated, that I am going at the speed I want, which is the same as a collective, and that my body is a source of energy for mobilization." (@ Vitussss / Instagram)

5. A sustainable tourism guide

Through his profession, Chief Cristian Javier Cejas (46) is currently working in a rural school in the Córdoba Mountains. As soon as he leaves the apron and the ladle, he catches the handlebars. "I can not imagine a life without a bike," he confesses.

Cristian lives in Salsipuedes and, since cycling, has realized his dream of sharing his "pbadion for cycling in the mountains" since 2007. "Cycling makes it possible to be part of the landscape," he says on invitation.

Cristian Cejas with a group during one of his bike rides. (Cicloturismo Córdoba / Facebook)

International cycling day: two dates

As early as 2018, he began commemorating World Bike Day on two different dates. One of them, April 19; the other, June 3.

Last year, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring this anniversary for the month of June, recognizing "the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle, used for two centuries and constituting a means of sustainable simple, affordable, reliable, clean and ecological that contributes to the management of the environment and benefits health ", as indicated on the website.

In this regard, the UN encourages stakeholders to highlight and promote the use of cycling as a means to promote sustainable development, strengthen the education of children and youth, including the 39, physical education, promote health. , prevent diseases, promote tolerance, understanding and respect and facilitate social inclusion and the culture of peace ".

This UN statement is an acknowledgment of cycling's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): at least 12 of the 17 SDGs are linked to the daily use of cycling, according to the World Alliance's document cycling and the European Parliament. Cycling Federation entitled "Cycling meets global goals!".


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