From Trump to Guzmán, with a stopover in the Russian vaccine | AT…


Historical phrases of the week. The Donald trump when he said “We cannot allow this in our country”, which showed the miseries of a fake great democracy. Another: “But Héctor, what you ask me, the devaluation, is the only one who does it, not even the Fund asks me”, from the minister Martin guzman to Héctor Magnetto. There is another, also very descriptive: “Trump is not the most important man in the world” which showed Jair Bolsonaro fleeing like a rat on a splint. The last one: “It is not known whether they will be safe or whether they will be effective”, criticized the Russian vaccine, Macri’s former health minister, Adolfo rubinstein, the same one that has been denounced for allowing four million doses of vaccines to expire.

The world has become intellectually pandemic with the outbreak of pre-Louis Pasteur magical thinking, which saved millions of humans by inoculating a weakened virus with the disease it managed to eradicate.

The absurd debate that gave rise to the anticovid vaccine in general and the Russian vaccine in particular has delayed a hundred years. It is an extraordinary achievement of the government to have quickly secured the supply of vaccines to the country well in advance.. The vaccine is the most valuable commodity right now in international markets, where the United States and European countries devastated by the virus are striving to be among the first in line, where Argentina has been placed.

If you waited until all testing phases were completed before starting the procedures, the vaccine would not have arrived until April or May. On the other hand, with the Russian vaccine, which comes from the Gamaleya laboratory in Moscow, one of the most prestigious microbiology centers in the world, it could arrive in mid-December or before the end of the year.

Gamaleya manages one of the largest virus collections on the planet and has its own vaccine production facilities. Since the 1980s, he has developed a technological platform based on adenoviruses found in human adenoids. For this reason, he was one of the first to develop this vaccine based on this technology.

This is not Russian magic or propaganda. And he is in phase 3 like all the others, but he will finish it first, because he started it before taking advantage of this technological advantage. He had already developed three vaccines with this base, including two against Ebola.

Most of the Government’s health teams are made up of medical hygienists, but the specialty of Deputy Minister Carla Vizzotti is precisely vaccines, it is an area where it is handled with great knowledge. Vizzotti isn’t a manager of anything like the Macrista ministers were, but she is one of the most knowledgeable about vaccines.

It was a great success for the government which, from a health point of view, favors workers and businessmen, officials and opponents. But it is obvious that in politics, the one who takes the beans for good management is the government. Everything is political. So the opposition is critical, although their leaders and their families are favored. But The macro-media campaign against the vaccine is deplorable because it is a humanitarian issue. And it is ludicrous that they consult on vaccines the official who lets drugs expire in stock so as not to distribute them.

Martín Guzmán’s sentence was during the meeting he held with the owners of large companies in the country grouped within the AEA. Guzman He speaks softly and warmly and makes that face of why are they looking at me? These are two ways that any trick or poker player would envy. When he seems to be on the mat, he pulls out the ace of clubs with the need worth four on the inside. He is not a manager of anything, but in addition to his academic record of excellence, he has proven to be a great negotiator.

For two weeks, a sector of economic power speculated against the peso and pushed the dollar down to nearly two hundred pesos, the biggest gap in history between the official and speculative dollar. Most of the time, these maneuvers were applied, they caused the devaluation they were looking for.

Day after day, they published headlines like a disaster with the rising price of the dollar. Day after day, they said the economy had gotten out of hand. And day after day, they invented rumors about the replacement of Guzmán by Roberto Lavagna or Martín Redrado. The pressure was colossal. And every time they asked him the question, he replied that he was not going to belittle because there was no real cause. That it was a bubble. That the peso was going to accompany inflation. And it held until the parallel dollar began to collapse.

Now, shares of Argentine companies have risen 17% and country risk has dropped. But above all, there was no devaluation that would have plunged wages and slowed the exit from the macro-pandemic crisis. “We are in dialogue with all businessmen, but we are the ones who govern,” said Guzmán.

The arrival of the vaccine and the rejection of the devaluation were two pieces of good news that did not last long in the headlines of major media companies. This is not a new phenomenon but, more than other times, it has shown the difference between what is good for these companies and what favors the citizens. In one case, they criticized vaccines and committed health terrorism, and in the other, they pushed for devaluation.

Elections in the United States will resonate in the region, like everything that happens in power. South America remains shocked by the coup d’état in Bolivia against Evo Morales, broadcast by Washington via the OAS. MAS’s landslide victory in the last election refuted the hypothesis that Evo had been overthrown by popular mobilization.

Washington has assumed the role of judge and prosecutor of the world’s democracies. He encouraged coups, invasions and blockades against popular governments around the world with the excuse of defending democracy. The main power on the planet has established itself as a judge, prosecutor and example for the whole world.

Donald Trump’s authoritarian kick in denouncing fraud because he is not ready to accept defeat has brought this supposedly exemplary democracy to the level of the Zocalo. Voluntary suffrage during the week, indirect, with an electoral college whose composition may not respect the majority of votes and its members are unknown to the majority, to which is added that the secret ballot of these delegates can distort the electoral will there is too many filters for popular sovereignty.

The scandal promoted by Trump followed the same scenario the United States used to undermine the triumph of popular movements in the region. The main effect of the North American election was to publicly discredit North American democracy, a two-party democracy that later, in Congress, was reduced to a showdown between corporate lobbyists.

They do not hide it, on the contrary, they have naturalized this mechanism in films and series that are seen all over the planet. Fidel’s famous phrase that the United States is not ruled by one person but by a system is correct, but it is also true that Fidel knew every detail of the North American interior and used it in his arm. permanent iron with hostile power.

From Argentina, where Trump appeared tied to Macri through the multi-million dollar IMF loan he obtained to fund his campaign against the Frente de Todos, many took sides or looked with sympathy at the almost certain winner, the Democrat Joe Biden. The candidate did not give clear signals on his policy towards Latin America. It was not a campaign problem. Democrats and Republicans have proposed an unequal and hegemonic relationship with the region. But the rules of the game are different. Bolsonaro’s line breaking away from Trump is funny. After being her pocket dog, she openly denies it. The irrefutable sign that a ship is sinking is when the rats start to escape. And they already sense Trump’s defeat.


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