Fruit juice has been injected into the body to "feed" his body: he almost dies | Chronic


A 51-year-old Chinese woman injected juice of 20 types of fruit into her veins, convinced that she was bringing a significant amount of nutrients to her body. However, the leak caused a serious infection that damaged the liver, kidneys and heart, the newspaper reported Sunday. Morning Herald of xiaoxiang.

According to local media, shortly after intravenous administration, the woman, nicknamed Zenghe felt itchy skin and the temperature of his body increased. Later, she was admitted to the Xiangnan University Hospital, where her transfer to the intensive care unit was ordered due to sepsis and multiple dysfunctions of her patients. organs.

Zeng entered the medical center in the early hours of February 23, where she underwent several treatments to purify her blood and limit the damage to her health. The doctor Liu Jianxiu, one of the specialists who badisted her, badures that the patient could have died if she had not managed to cure her in time.

"I thought that fresh fruits were rich in nutrients and that there was no danger in injecting them into the body, I did not know it could cause these problems"lamented the lady in statements to the Chinese press.

The woman remained in critical condition for five days and was then transferred to the nephrology ward to continue to undergo dialysis treatments, treatments for infection and blood clotting, as well as drugs for the repair. of his organs, according to the doctor. site

Liu said that this type of injections can cause liver and kidney damage that in many cases is fatal.


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