Fruit juice was injected to "stay healthy" and almost died – 03/20/2019


In Chinese social networks, the problem has exploded. In Weibo, much like the Asian giant's Facebook, the hashtag #OldWomanPutsJuiceIntoVeins (an old lady who puts juice in her veins) received more than 11,000 comments in a few hours. Can no one understand how the woman, who has only transcended her last name – Zeng-, decided inject a drink of about 20 fruits directly into the blood. The information was published by the BBC website.

Obviously, the consequences were terrible. His life was in danger and he had to spend several days in intensive care until he could recover. The concern aroused by these practices is growing within the medical community because it is a mistake that costs a woman's life almost.

The woman named Zeng decided to inject a drink made from 20 fruits directly into the blood.

The woman named Zeng decided to inject a drink made from 20 fruits directly into the blood.

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According to the South China Morning Post, Zeng, 51, a resident of Guiyang County, explained. He suffered liver, kidney, heart and lung damage. and she had to be hospitalized in intensive care for five days.

At the same time, in the Xiaoxiang Morning Herald, it was explained that the woman had already expressed interest in unconventional health treatments. But it was last February 22 when she had the idea to kill her. He decided to inject a fruit juice into his veins Believe that it could "benefit your health".

The woman thought that it would be a good idea to improve her health. He had to spend several days in intensive care until his recovery.

The woman thought that it would be a good idea to improve her health. He had to spend several days in intensive care until his recovery.

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"There were more than 20 types of fruit in intravenous injection"explained an employee of the affiliated hospital of Xiangnan University to the BBC.

Shortly after the injection of the mixture, the woman started to feel the itchy skin and the temperature of his body began to increase.

The woman began to feel itchy skin and the temperature of her body began to increase.

The woman began to feel itchy skin and the temperature of her body began to increase.

On the same day she was admitted to the unit Intensive care of the hospital where he spent 5 days. His life was in danger of dying from a dysfunction of multiple organs. The doctors cleaned his blood by dialysis and gave him antibiotics. Slowly, her condition improved and, after the revision of her kidneys, she was discharged.

Jianxiu, the doctor who treated her, said that Zeng had suffered a serious infection affecting her kidneys, lungs and heart. He was about to die because of sepsis, a serious infection and generalized in which germs propagate through the blood and tissues of the body. She was saved and, as the specialist explained, the woman never imagined anything that could happen to her. "I had never thought that I was getting into such a serious problem," he would have confessed to the doctor.

Social network users in China say the case highlights the need to spread more basic knowledge in medicine.


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