Fuegians Neighbors and Environmentalists Call for Provincial Law Banning Salmon Farms – Telam


Although the national government and the Tierra del Fuego government have ensured that the installation project of the Norwegian company in the Beagle Channel is "unloaded", neighbors and environmentalists are demanding the promulgation of a provincial law prohibiting salmon farming. .

"The importance of a provincial law is that it would allow us to have an additional control tool, which does not depend on the governments of the time to prevent a company to install here, "said Víctor Vargas, representative of the Yagan Community.

In 2018, the national and provincial governments of Tierra del Fuego granted the Norwegian Crown the opportunity to develop salmon farming in the Beagle Channel.

In March of the same year, 3 agreements were signed between Innovation Norway, the Ministry of Agri-Food, the Argentine Foundation for the Promotion of Investments and Foreign Trade and the Province of Tierra del Fuego.


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