Fuels: the crisis is exacerbated by shortages in several localities in the interior


SÁENZ PEÑA (Agency) – The crisis due to fuel shortage observed in previous days is growing more and more and the shortage is already felt in several localities of the interior

<img alt = " WITHOUT COMBUSTIBLES.JPG [19659003] Shell's central gas station, was left without fuel makes a
a few days show that the crisis is starting to feel stronger.

In Sáenz Peña, the situation begins to get complicated. The central service station of the Shell oil company located in Moreno and July 9 for three days no longer has any gasoline or diesel in its pumps, while other oil companies warn that if the situation of Supply does not normalize, may soon follow the same path.

The same thing is happening in many localities in the province, from which many motorists are coming to search for a few liters of fuel for gas stations in that city. 19659005] In addition some motorists who constantly travel for his obligations in the interior have warned that "in some white flag stations still a few liters can be obtained" but they marked another situation that complicates the panorama, the du cost of fuels.

The super naphtha costs 40 pesos, or seven or eight pesos more than those of the most recognized oil companies, the premium costs 42 pesos – a value similar to that paid in the Impenetrable Everyño, as this had been reflected in previous editions.


& # 39; The truth is that it has been a similar situation in the city for a long time, "said a motorist who went to the Shell petrol station in the heart of the city.

" For three days we have run out of fuel . First we started to notice the lack of super gasoline and today we have more fuel, "said a source consulted on the spot.

The panorama shows a limit situation because "the beach is totally closed, and in the service station the only thing that works the minishop" indicated the sources consulted. A fuel transport truck, the cones in each of the pumps and even the beach lights is the predominant landscape in the place.

According to what was suggested by the same sources, the outlook could be reversed more towards the end of the week. It is estimated, for this time could come new quotas to supply and resell the fuel.


The sources consulted by NORTH indicated that the disadvantage that is more clearly demonstrated today in the case of the Shell oil company arose from the inconveniences badociated with the arrival of the barges. at the port of Barranqueras, making delivery to service stations difficult.

Although they do not know exactly why this problem was caused, it was speculated that by the end of the week, the situation could begin to normalize and it was estimated that the various remittances could be sent at gas stations to standardize sales.

In any case, some sectors do not exclude that this may be the case a situation generated by speculative maneuvers on the part of the oil company itself, which could lead to the sending of new ones. remittances


In the service stations of other oil companies, yesterday the sale was made with some setbacks in the case of the absence of super naphtha, but it There were no problems with the supply of

YPF was selling normally, while in an Axion pavilion there was a supply of Premium and diesel fuel in its different versions, but not in any other way. had more super.

Unlike its rival, these companies have reserves in the area that allow them to cope with the situation, although it is not excluded to start having problems if the arrival of new objects in the area complicates the task.

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