Fujimori won’t recognize Castillo victory in Peruvian poll


“Throughout these weeks we have seen so many complaints of wrongdoing and they want to hastily publish a result“added the daughter of the former president Alberto Fujimori, which denounces that there were “fraud” in the elections, without providing conclusive evidence and despite the fact that the observers of the AEO, among others, said the vote was clean.

The count of the electoral body (ONPE), which reached 100% three weeks ago, to the left Castillo 50.12% of the vote against 49.87% for Fujimori, but the last word must be given by the JNE once it resolves the challenges presented mainly by the right-wing candidate, the AFP news agency reported.

As Peruvian citizens have waited for more than a month to officially know who their new president will be, the electoral bodies are under siege by Fujimori, who demands that the ballot is canceled and “new elections” are called.

Fujimori asked the acting president on June 28 Francisco sagasti that he asked for an “international audit” of the elections, but his request was rejected. The government argued that it is prohibited by law from interfering in the electoral race and that any irregularities must be resolved by the JNE.

The candidate threw darts against Sagasti this Saturday, after a noisy caravan of vehicles that crisscrossed the streets of the Peruvian capital.

“He fills his mouth saying that he is neutral, that he is impartial. President Sagasti, you had and still have the historic opportunity to become a president who defended democracy. Dare,” Fujimori said during the speech. rally held in the Plaza de los Angeles, Naval Heroes, also report major local newspapers.

On the spot Hundreds of Fujimori camp for a week to “defend” their votes. The same is done by Castillo supporters a few blocks away, in the plaza in front of JNE’s headquarters.

Election observers for the Organization of American States (OAS) said the elections in Peru were clean and free of “serious irregularities.” The United States also declared that these were “free, fair, accessible and peaceful elections” which constituted a “model of democracy in the region”.

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