Fumio Kishida is sworn in as the new Prime Minister of Japan


New Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is applauded in Parliament
New Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is applauded in Parliament

Fumio Kishida was sworn in as the new Prime Minister of Japan on Monday in an extraordinary parliamentary session after his victory in the primary of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLD) in power.

Kishida’s appointment was formally ratified in a vote in both chambers, in which the ruling coalition has a large majority., and succeeds Yoshihide Suga, who resigned in the previous hours together with his cabinet after a little over a year at the head of the executive.

The new head of government plans to announce in the coming hours the composition of his government, in which it is expected that more than a dozen portfolios will be headed by ministers for the first time and that he will occupy key positions., in search of a certain stability in the face of the imminent legislative elections.

Kishida, a descendant of a political family in Hiroshima, was elected president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (PLD) last Wednesday, defeating popular leader of the vaccination campaign, Taro Kono.

Since the ruling LDP coalition has a large legislative majority, Kishida was assured of a vote in parliament to become head of government in the world’s third largest economy.

New Japanese prime minister to announce cabinet on Monday
Japan’s new prime minister to announce cabinet on Monday

Before the vote, Kishida said he was ready to take office.

“I think it will be a fresh start in the truest sense of the word.”he told reporters. “I want to face the challenges with determination and firm resolve for the future”added.

– Few changes –

Kishida is considered a trustworthy figure, supported by his own faction within the PLD, and is not expected to significantly change the policies of the current government.

His election comes after Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, who resigned Monday morning, announced that he would no longer aspire to be the leader of the PLD after only a year in power.

Kishida is due to present his new cabinet on Monday afternoon, but details released by local media suggest that several important portfolios would remain in the hands of their current occupants.

Among them could include Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi and Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi, according to local media.

The cabinet is expected to include three women, including Seiko Noda, who aspired to lead the PLD and will be the minister responsible for fighting the falling birth rate in Japan.

Fumio Kishida sworn in as new Prime Minister of Japan in Parliament in Tokyo
Fumio Kishida sworn in as new Prime Minister of Japan in Parliament in Tokyo

Kishida will face many challenges, ranging from trying to lead the economy in the post-pandemic era to dealing with military threats from North Korea and China.

He will also lead the PLD in the general election, scheduled for November, although local media reported on Monday that Kishida wants them to be held on October 31.

The ruling party and its coalition partners are expected to retain power in these elections, but could lose some seats amid public anger over the government’s response to the coronavirus.

The Suga government’s popularity has fallen sharply as it struggles to contain waves of COVID-19 infections, including a record-breaking outbreak during the Tokyo Games last July.

In his campaign for the leadership of the PLD, Kishida highlighted his plans to correct the government’s mistakes with the pandemic and pledged to push for further economic recovery.

(With information from EFE and AFP)


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