Furious speech by the President of Turkey against …


The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accused this Monday at the lesbian, gay, transsexual and bisexual (LGTB) movement ofvandalism to represent the Kaaba (the holiest place in Islam) with a rainbow.

In a fiery speech hehe even bequeathed to exclude this group from what he considers “youth worthy of the glorious history of this nation”.

Last week, four Turkish students arrested for “incitement to hatred” after exhibiting at Bogazici University in Istanbul, a painting of the Kaaba with the multicolored symbol associated with the LGTB community.

This Monday, during a speech in Ankara to the officials of his party – the AKP (Islamoconservador) -, the official assured those present that was going to “lead into the future not a LGTB youth, but a youth worthy of the glorious history of this nation”.

“You are not part of the LGTB youth. You are not one of those young people who commit acts of vandalism. On the contrary, it is you who mend broken hearts, ”added Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

This Saturday, the Minister of the Interior Suleyman Soylu had expressed himself in a similar sense, who had reported on Twitter that “four LGTB deviants” had been arrested.

In Turkey, lesbians, gays, transsexuals and bisexuals are frequently targeted. In fact, in recent years several LGBT events such as the Istanbul Gay Pride Parade have been banned.


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