Furious, Trump militarizes the border with Mexico | Chronic


A border more and more hot. After an incident in which the Yankee President, Donald Trump, claimed that the National Guard had been attacked by Mexican soldiers, the head of the White House decided to strengthen security at the border between the two countries with the army. The Aztec government has attempted to mitigate it.

A very large caravan of more than 20,000 people started in Mexico. It has been reduced in size by Mexico, but it still happens. Mexico must apprehend the rest, otherwise we will be forced to close this section of the border and to call on the armed forces. Coyotes and Cartels have weapons!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
April 24, 2019

While fighting against migrant caravans and against the Congress of his country that does not give him the funds that he intends to build, the war that the Republican tycoon has faced since before entering the presidency of the country against illegal immigration and filtering of criminals had a new chapter.

Mexican soldiers recently pulled out guns from our National Guard soldiers, probably as a diversion tactic for drug traffickers at the border. Better not to reproduce! We are now sending ARMED SOLDIERS to the border. Mexico is not enough to apprehend and come back!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
April 24, 2019

"Mexican soldiers have recently released firearms against our National Guard soldiers, probably as a diversion tactic for drug traffickers on the border."Trump has reported on his Twitter account.

Immediately, he warned: "Better not to breed!" Therefore, to restore peace in his security forces, he announced the dispatch of "armed soldiers to the border", thus increasing the tension between the two nations.

The origin of the conflict

According to the testimony of US soldiers, the incident occurred Saturday, the 13th of this month, in an area where the border between the state of Yankee Texas and the state of Coahuila in Mexico does not correspond to the actual geographical boundary, due to the stage of a dry river bed of the Rio Grande.

There, about five Mexican soldiers arrested two American soldiers, disarmed them and interrogated them by pointing their weapons at them. In order to avoid an even more confrontational situation, the detainees did not oppose any resistance and one of them, who spoke Spanish, he tried to explain the reasons for the confusion. Shortly after, they were released.

The answer

In the midst of Trump's fury and after the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced that they were going to investigate what had happened, the Foreign Ministry acknowledged the incident. As detailed, the Yankee soldiers crossed the border barrier, even though they were still in US territory, while "they performed badistance operations in a vehicle without identification "which attracted the attention of Mexican uniforms.

Therefore, after the interrogation, they agreed that the patrol would continue, but north of the fence. "This type of incident is common ", they concluded.


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