Furor for a puppy who "breaks" while playing jenga | Chronic


A three-month-old puppy went crazy for thousands of Instagram users after demonstrating his great talent for playing jenga, the board game that requires skills and a strategy to practice it. The incident occurred in the city of Dallas, Texas, in the United States.

The owners of the chocolate-colored mascot recorded the exact moment Rémy, as they call it, she entered the middle of part of Jenga and, with her front paws, managed to take one of the wooden blocks. The dog did not let go of the room until it was able to move it completely without the tower falling down.

It's only three months old.

The witnesses were amazed by the movements of the dog and puppy owners, identified as Jeffrey Hammond and Ashley AgapiouThey shared the video on social networks. In a few hours, she became viral and thousands of users left all sorts of comments praising the animal. "He does it better than me", "I would have dropped it", "I want it on my team", were some of the messages of the Net surfers.

The record shows how a group of teenagers relax in a house and play jenga. In the middle of the room, the brown dog intervenes and receives all the applause.


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