G20 warns of escalating trade tensions and slowing global economy


"We will continue to face these risks and we are ready to take action to adopt actions", the document reads what is interpreted as the main message of the day.

According to him, global growth is stabilizing and is generally considered capable of projecting a moderate increase in 2019 and 2020: however, "Growth remains weak and risks are indicators of a slowdown."

The text also states that "in the discussions held, the risks of a trade war between the United States and China were very worrying".

The French Minister of Economy, Bruno Le Maire, said at the end of the meeting that "all countries have asked the two countries to reduce tensions and urged them to do their utmost to avoid a confrontation that would have a negative, lasting and profound impact in growth. "

At the same time, the G20 finance ministers and top bankers have agreed on the need to reform the international tax rules of large technology industries.

The G20, said the statement, decided to continue its cooperation for "a balanced, sustainable and modern international tax system, and we welcome the goals achieved in terms of international transparency, including the growth of information exchanges. for tax purposes ".


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